Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Well, technically Spring Break is over. All we have left is a regular old weekend. I think I've done quite well in enjoying this Break. I cleaned. I hiked. I sat around and did nothing. I hung out with George. I saw some friends. I ran errands.

The week could never be long enough, but I guess it's time to go back to the real world, before I get used to sleeping in, staying up late, and eating anytime I want.

10 weeks until summer!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Yesterday and today all the algebra students who got a 93 or above first semester took a test. Well, if they wanted to (meaning their teachers could talk them into it!). I had 19 who signed up and 15 take it (or so). The other two had a few more I think. We've been talking about he test for weeks and its become a fun little competition between teachers. For me its also about proving to my self and maybe others that I know what I'm doing!
I was in 2nd after yesterday. But I talked Danny into it today. He had to be late for soccer practice. He ROCKED it!! He actually did the second best on the test but they average it with their first semester grade. And HE WON!!!!!!! Which means I WON!!!!!
Don't worry he gets good stuff - letter jacket and/or letter, certificate, etc. And I want to do something small for all who took it. But definitely for him. Soccer something.
Anyway, its nice to win. It's nice to know I'm doing something right!!