Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stick it out?

Ever start reading a book and decide its not very good a few chapters in? But then you keep reading to see if it gets any better? But it doesn't really? So I'm there right now. But my problem is that I've gotten far enough that I kinda want to know what happens. But its not very good and I'd like to move on... how long will I wonder?? I guess if I can't get it out of my head later, I can check it out again....
Oh, the dilemmas of life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

True calling

I think I've said this before, but finding a true calling is an amazing feeling!!! Yes, I'm very happy to have some time away from high school students, but I'm already excited to go back in august and start again!! It's truly a blessing to have found my job, which has become my home away from home.
Now, back to doing nothing. Cuz I can :)