Friday, December 16, 2011

I Think I Blinked

HOW did we get to Christmas vacation already?!?! I'm NOT complaining. It just seems like this Fall has FLOWN by. I'll go back to school and have 2 weeks left in the 1st semester. Craziness I tell you!!

So this means sooner than later it'll be 100 degrees and I'll be out for 8 weeks, right?!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Tonight's Advent reflection was about Joseph's dream in which he knew to marry Mary.

Ah, dreams. I dream. At night, while asleep. During the day, while bored or whatnot. Big dreams, scary dreams. My dreams, God's dreams? I do fully believe in dreams being one way God speaks to me.

But what about the day dreams? Are they my creation? Or are they nudges from God? I've always thought of those as wishes. You know, the ones in a meeting when you dream up the wonderful accolades your boss is about to bestow on you. Or the ones where the cute guy at the next table asks you out. No? Just me?

Anyway, tonight's reflection reminded me to be listening for WHENEVER God speaks. Not easy. But so rewarding!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Spirit

For the first time in my memory, I have Christmas spirit!! It's really quite fun :)

I'm singing along to Carols, decorated my house, adopted an angel, and am going to a couple parties. This feeling is kinda nice!!

The odd and possibly disturbing part is that it almost seems like I can't get enough!!! I really want to put up a tree. I'm hoping someone I know has an old one to give me. Unfortunately, this is all reminding me how broke I am. And I'd rather buy gifts for my angel than a new tree. Guess that's good!

Not sure I have a point here. Or if I'm rambling. But there it is.

Merry Christmas!!!