Saturday, November 30, 2013

Slugger goes Camping!

I have been so excited for this camping trip, I can not even explain! I don't even know why. Except that I've been wanting to get (back?) into camping for some time and it just never made sense, as a single woman. But NOW I have Slugger!!! He loves to hike, so I figured it'd be a natural progression.

What I didn't count on was a cold Thanksgiving!! The weekend before Thanksgiving we had freezing temps, a little yucky precip, and I was getting alarmed at the forecast for Wednesday night! Sooo… using the one skill I learned from Mark, I changed our plans!! We painted the bedroom BEFORE we went camping, and waited until it warmed up a tad. I am SO glad. First, it was cold enough as it was. Second, I'm glad the painting is done because I have no desire to do a darned thing right now!!

I've had a list going for at least a month or two, and a pile on the dining room table for at least a couple weeks! We took the tent into the backyard and tested it out. We practiced with the cook stove too!  I got long underwear and took every warm piece of headwear I own. I bought a fancy new lantern since I happen to really hate the dark.

We painted Wednesday and Thursday. Friday morning we packed up the car and LEFT!! I was so excited that we were at the State Park by 12:30!! I had pitched the tent and unloaded the car by 1pm. And I'd forgotten to bring a book. Or something to do… I wasn't sure my knee would hold up for TWO long hikes, but we were bored. So we got in the car and went to the trailhead. We walked maybe a mile. Just to practice :)

When dad and I were in Yosemite last summer, we spent our first afternoon, before the big hike, exploring Tuolumne Meadows. I thought that would be a great idea for Slugger and I. The state park we were in has a lake, lots of fishing, and a rock climbing area. There's also a trail way, but I'd already seen that and knew it started with a hill, so we skipped that part.

The first place we stopped was the camp store!! They had used books for $1. Jackpot!! I also got a skewer to roast my hot dogs and a coffee cup souvenir (seemed appropriate since I'd forgotten to bring one). Then we drove to the climbing area. We walked around a little. Luckily Slugs wasn't too interested in the edge. The climbers started out at the top and either rappelled down or hiked (way steep, way rocky) down to then climb back up. It was interesting. There were climbers. It wasn't like watching climbers on Half Dome or El Capitan though so we left.

After some time reading and hanging out, I decided it was time for dinner and a campfire. I had bought a bundle of wood at a gas station here in Fort Worth where we bought gas before we left. I got the water on the stove and started on the campfire. Nothing but a lot of smoke. Tried again. The paper burned and nothing. I was running out of paper so I gave in and called Dad :) I tried to ignore the fact that I had full bars 4G while "camping in the middle of nowhere". He gave me a lesson though I think I was hopeless because my wood was oak and I needed a really hot fire to start it. I had flames for a while, but the actual logs never really burned. It was good enough to roast my hot dogs (2 for me, 2 for Slugs, of course) and a couple marshmallows. And now I know!! PINE!!!

Here is Slugs this morning playing in the ashes of our failed fire…

Since I was already wearing all my layers and it was dark, I decided it was time for bed. It was 6:30 :) Slugs went right in the tent with me and we settled down. I read by flashlight a little. The neighbors were rowdy. Then a PA was heard. And we were serenaded with a pretty good rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. The neighbors clapped when it was over!  I went online (since I could) to see what was happening in Mineral Wells… 6-man football state quarterfinals were being held at the MW High School stadium. Two towns I'd never heard of were competing. Luckily, the announcer didn't announce much or very loudly. I have no idea who won!

It was a cold, loud night. The neighbors never did quiet down. Or not for very long at a time. Leaves fell on the tent. Bushes rustled. Slugger did pretty good though. He barked and/or growled here and there but not once it was truly "bedtime". We did wake up (stupid neighbor) at about 1am though. He wanted out and I needed to also, so we had a short walk, and then drove to the bath house. Yes, we drove. Every time. He's not allowed in the building and the campsite was pretty far away anyway. So we drove and he hung out in the car while I went in. He always got a walk too :)

Although it could've been colder, it was still VERY cold. We both shivered. But we snuggled and made it through.  Neighborman woke us up with some very loud profanity at about 7am. Which is what time we've been waking up anyway so I wasn't too upset. And apparently someone complained, or the ranger could hear it from wherever he was, because the park police patrolled pretty regular after that and I think they kicked the loud guy out.

I made coffee and we sat and enjoyed the morning. A couple deer grazed by in the woods near us. I never would've noticed if it weren't for Slugger's amazing eyesight! He just sat and watched them.  I slowly packed up camp and we were off for our hike!!


We went about 4.5 miles. Slugger did very well. He even saw an armadillo!! Or I should say, he saw it and chased it off. All I saw was the tail!! The trail was mostly flat until Slugger decided to explore a different part once we got to the area we were headed for. We went about half of a mile up and I gave up, knowing we'd have to go back down which is my knee's least favorite thing to do. But we did it! And several hours later, the knee still feels good!!

The post-adventure nap :)