Sunday, January 1, 2017

See ya 2016!

I meant to write this yesterday, but well, I didn't.

The year 2016 is now over. It will go down in history as the year all the famous people died, and Trump won the presidency. With any luck, 2017 will be the year no one dies, and Trump gets impeached. Or something.

For Slugger and I, 2016 saw a few excitements. We went backpacking again. I made my 3rd prom happen. We bought a new A/C unit because Slugger peed on the old one. I ran a 5K. We spent about 7 weeks in California over the summer. That included backpacking, hiking, and hanging with Grandpa and Tuck. Always a fun time. And fabulous visits with my buds. I didn't go see Grandma which was a bummer, but the A/C wasn't cheap!

The most excitement came this fall. In September, Slugger started limping after chasing a frog. The two things may have been unrelated but I will always blame the frog! After several weeks became a couple months of trying to get him to rest, I finally took him back to the vet who sent us to a surgeon. Yup, Slugger had his first surgery (and hopefully last!). He tore his ACL. The very nice surgeon  performed a TPLO the day before Thanksgiving. He had to spend the night but we survived the separation. We've been living in the bedroom ever since.

About the same time that Slugger wasn't improving, I had some weird hip thing and took a few weeks off of running too. But, oddly, I missed running! I think this new hobby is a keeper :)

We have spent the entire 2 weeks of Winter Break hanging out in the bedroom watching movies and TV. Except for my almost daily runs and a couple meals with friends. I feel like Slugger and I have bonded even more through this ordeal. I REALLY don't want to go back to work on Tuesday! But, in just 6 more weeks, we get to leave the bedroom!!

What do we want in 2017? Lots! New adventures are definitely on our horizon. I'm planning a 10k and half marathon; a trip to an Astros game; lots and lots of time with family and friends. Hopefully, Slugger and I will get several backpacking trips. Maybe even multi-night!! But, of course, all we really want is love and happiness for all, and world peace :)