Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My heart goes out to the family of the SeaWorld trainer who was killed by one of her whales today. As I'm reading the article, which tells of all the other times this whale and others have attacked trainers, I can't help but think... well, golly, folks, we put something called a KILLER whale, which is gigantic, btw, in a tank instead of the VAST ocean, and, really, what do we expect? and all so we can watch it swim and do tricks?

i love my house but every once in a while, i just gotta get out! and i don't even do tricks!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

cable tv

wow, 3 in one day. i must really miss Facebook.

so I decided I should try out Dexter. I got the first disc of the first season at the library.

not only am i not enjoying the show (i'm on the first episode) but do they really have to use the f-word quite so much? just because they can? other cable shows don't feel the need. pretty sure i don't need to watch more than this episode.

About Time

Wow, 2 in a row!

So, General Hospital has a new opening credit sequence. And I am VERY happy to see that Epiphany has finally made it!!! Maybe she'll actually get a real plot-line now too :)

and maybe the Elizabeth/Nicolas/Lucky saga will go away!!

deep thoughts

What do I want more.. to teach... or to live in FW??? Because maybe the answer should be "to teach"... since living in FW doesn't seem to be all it can be, seeing as how I'm not teaching.

More deep thoughts in the quest for happiness!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's here again!!

Baseball season is upon us once again friends!! Well, spring training anyway. Close enough. Games start in 12 days :) Astros GM Ed Wade said, "That's what Spring Training represents. It's a chance to start over and see where the journey takes us."

You know, isn't that what life is all about? Those chances to start over, and see where God takes us? To me, this is also what Lent is all about? A time to reflect, repent, and really seek out God and His path for our lives. 

I didn't say easy. Spring Training ain't all sunshine either.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

stupid stray cat and a reflection

George and I are laying in bed, her at my feet, window behind us. I hear the stupid neighborhood stray cat outside. I bang on the window which wakes up George who stares intently at her reflection in the window, thinking it's the cat that's making the noise. Since it doesn't make any more noise (because I've scared the real stray cat off), George lays back down and goes back to sleep. I love my attack cat :)