Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Late Night Ponderings

The things we think about when we can't sleep...

In my readings tonight (the novel i'm pretty sure), it referred to the verses when Jesus says something like, "Love others like I first loved you". the book pointed out that we are to love others but we are also to be loved. deep.

my first thought is of a mother or friend who is so busy helping everyone else that she forgets to let others help her and then she collapses. or she doesn't but still.

the other thought is that we have to allow ourselves to be loved by GOD! we so often go through life loving others in the name of God, and doing amazing work for God and God's people, but we can miss those moments when God is loving us! by not listening and feeling God's presence in all we do, we can easily push away blessings that we don't realize are God loving us. I have learned that sometimes, I need to just sit in God's presence and feel Him hugging me. At those moments when I feel God's love, I am better able to understand His plans for my life, and how I can best serve Him.

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