Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks and giving

Hello again blogworld :) I should put more of my student-inspired stories up here. I promise I will... hehe.

Anyway, I had a GREAT Thanksgiving day!! I spent it with 3 very cool people, 2 of them for the entire day and we had such a GOOD time!! know how some guests you're ready for them to leave long before they go away? Not these folks!! Nope!! Except that we were all falling asleep, I wouldn't have minded if they'd stayed even longer!! we coulda watched a Thanksgiving Friends episode :) (I watched it by myself instead - the one where Chandler's in the box)

In addition, I adopted a turkey!!! A real living one. Except he's on a sanctuary farm in CA and not in my yard. His name is Harley and he has an attitude. At least in the picture. Maybe next time I'm in CA I can visit Harley. I was very impressed with myself and my friends who joined me for the meal, that we had a very yummy, satisfying, not completely healthy, CRUELTY-FREE meal!! it CAN be done :)

So this year, I am thankful of course for employment and George and all the normal, but I am especially thankful for great friends who support and encourage my odd habits and love me for me :)

1 comment:

  1. We loved Thanksgiving too!! And we can still watch Friends episodes--there are several good Christmas ones!! We're thankful for you too!! (I was so excited to check your blog and see that you updates--yay!)
