Friday, December 31, 2010


lesson learned - just deal with the injury! not sure that treatment would've been different earlier, but at least it'd be over by now!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I am experiencing my first opposition to my vegan foodstyle. and it hurts. my own family basically doesn't "mind" that I eat different, as long as it doesn't affect them. what happened to wanting to embrace the things that matter to those we love??

so for Christmas dinner (tomorrow the 27th) i get to eat mashed potatoes (That have been put aside so i can doctor them myself) and broccoli. yay.

makes me appreciate even more my extended family who love me and SUPPORT me!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

unpack to pack

so i got out my suitcase for this next adventure. apparently i never completely unpacked the last time i used it.... found dirty socks and undies!! i KNEW i had more pairs of "new" socks!!

does this mean i had such a good trip that i didn't want it to end? or that i had such a good trip that i was too excited to unpack fully? or so bad that i didn't want to think about it?

it was a good trip :) maybe it's an omen this one'll be better than i think!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Music

So many thoughts on Christmas music...

1. I find it very interesting that a secular radio station has no problem playing oodles of music about Jesus, as long as it's a well-known person singing it.

2. The local Christian music station plays all Christmas music from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Isn't ALL Christian music technially Christmas music?!??!

3. How are songs about missing family and not getting what I "want" for Christmas supposed to get me in the Christmas spirit?!

4. Christmas is one day. Okay, two if you count the Eve. The rest of the 4 weeks is about preparing for the coming of the Lord. How can I prepare if I'm bombarded with music saying that He's already here?? You know??

So, in conclusion... can I please get some good ol' sacreligious music on my radio?!?!?!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dad is here!!

YAY!!!! That is all I wanted to say :) Let the home repairs and Scrabble playing begin!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


don't you hate it when you want to say something but when you go to say it, your mind is blank?! i had a story, or something... oh well!! also went to Target for lotion (cuz I had a coupon) kept thinking there was something else... yep, came home without the lotion. did get a new humidifier though :) (it was on the list...)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Learning to Teach

Today all of the secondary math teachers in the district went to a training session. When
I warned my classes yesterday that they'd have a sub today, they wanted to know where I'd be. I said I had to go learn how to teach. A good number replied, "but you're a good teacher!" now that'll warm your heart :)