Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Great Friends

There are friends and then there are friends. You know? Some friends come and go, but then there are the ones who, no matter how long it's been or what's happened in life, we can sit down and chat about anything and everything like we see each other every day!

I am blessed with many friends. 245 according to Facebook. But few of them are "that" kind of friend. In fact, many I'd call acquaintances at this point.

One of my resolutions every year, if I called them that, is to be a better friend. I feel like weeks go by and I haven't said, "hey" to enough people that I care about. It's not that I don't care or want to know what's happening, or want to lend an ear, or whatever they need. It's just life goes on, and time flies by and bam, it's been way too long.

But, then, there are the friends who I could go MONTHS without talking to, and yet I know that one, they'd come to my aid as best possible without hesitating, and two, when we DO find time to catch up, it's like time never elapsed, except for all the catching up to do.

All that, to get to my thought provoking question of the moment... which friend is "better" or more important or should we strive for? And, how do friends become one or the other type (though the answer to that for me is most often geography)?

And, even more important question, to me, is... How can I be a better friend, even to the ones I know will love me in the months and years between catching up? Cuz, really, if it weren't for Facebook, I'd be a truly crappy friend to most of the people I consider good friends!!!

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