Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Like a Good Neighbor...

My neighbors are really quite wonderful. Here's why today...

I pull in my driveway and open my garage door like always. I get out, get the mail, bring in the trashcans, say hello to the neighbors next door who are sitting outside. I go in the garage and push the garage door button. Nothing happens! The overhead light is on, so the power is on. I go into the car and push the remote button which I had JUST used to open the door. Nothing. So, I walk over to the neighbors and say, "what would make my garage door opener stop when I JUST used it?" The very nice man walks over with me. We do this and that and he looks at it and I swear he grunted, but I think it was really more of a "huh" like it made no sense to him either. So we try some more things and get it to run when it's not latched. Okaaaayyyy... so we relatch it, while it's down, and sure enough it goes up. but then it won't go down! finally i take the car out and he gets on the step ladder and asks for a screw driver. one little screw had come a little loose (seriously, i think he made one full rotation screwing it back in, if that) and it wouldn't hit the latchy thingy so that it'd go back down when the button was pushed. we laughed about it, I thanked him profusely, offered him the old mower for parts (he told me a handyman will give me $5-10 probably), he left and i drove back in and shut the door.

but really, do i need a "sanity day" or what? good thing i already have one planned for tomorrow :)

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