Sunday, August 24, 2014

Slugger Turns FOUR!!

No one knows when Slugger's actual birthday is, or his true age. I picked his birthday the same way I picked George's (though hers was actually pretty close since I got her as a kitten) - August 20 is St. Bernard's Day. That was his name when I got him, and now his middle name.

Unfortunately, Slugger's birthday falls during teacher training week, the week before school starts. I'm always a little busy. This year, I spent most of the summer not completely knowing what day it was, not to mention what the date was. And so, I completely forgot Slugger's birthday on Wednesday!! OOPS!!! Mama FAIL!!! Luckily, he didn't seem to notice :) And now he is getting the whole weekend to celebrate!!

We woke up "early" yesterday and went for a hike. If you read my last post, you know that early is not my thing :) I got up earlier than I wanted but not early enough that it was cool enough for a long hike.  We drove over to the Fort Worth Nature Center and started out on the Turtle trail (it has another name but the picture on the signs is a turtle). I let Slugs make all the decisions when we got to forks, except when we turned around. He didn't always go the way I would have, but we had a good time! And we ended up back where we started after almost two miles :) We were mostly walking along the river under trees so the sun wasn't beating down on us and it was relatively not hot. Though I did let him wade into the river a couple times when it was safe for both of us! Overall, it was a good morning. 

Most of the afternoon was spent napping by him and puzzling by me. We didn't go for an evening walk because it was just too hot!! He did get extra food at dinner and a special treat at bedtime though :) 

This morning we woke up and ventured off to PetSmart!! We walked up and down the aisles and I more or less let him pick his toy. He likes stuffed animals that squeak. We found some that are stuffingless!! But still squeak :) He seemed to like the raccoon, so Rocky came home with us. He was also interested in the live mice, but I told him I'd just let him go up in the attic to get one of those. We also got some new rawhide chews and a tennis ball. The tennis ball got a little slobbery, so I bought it. "He slobbers it, I buy it"

Now we're hanging out - he's napping. He's eaten a rawhide and played with Rocky and the ball. Perhaps it's all too much for him?

Here are some pics from today... I didn't take any while hiking :( 

"It's my birfday, Mama, get UP!!:

Squeaking Rocky the Raccoon 

Rawhide Love

Happy Dog, right before he demolished the rawhide 

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