Thursday, August 6, 2015

CA2015 By the Numbers

It was a STUPENDOUS summer in California for Slugger and I! Since the big stuff got separate blog posts, I thought it'd be fun to talk about everything else we did with numbers :)  It's the math teacher in me. Here it is...

2 months, or 8 weeks, 3 days

4438.2 miles in the snowflake (oh, plus about 25 cuz I forgot to set it on our way out until Weatherford or so)

15 recorded walks in the woods (probably a few more that I didn't record) which equals about 39.5 miles. I received several new badges on Fitbit pertaining to "floors". That is recorded as about 6137 feet of elevation gain. (The recording device is an app on my phone called My Tracks.) All this on 6 sections of Pacific Crèst Trail and other trails/paths in and around Big Bear. Just one reason I call it paradise!

2 meals each at Himalayan and Teddy Bear, and at least 4 at Broadway Cafe! Plus many other yummy meals out. I don't know how many meals of chili with rice. So so yummy!

12 trips down the hill, 9 of them driven by me in the snowflake.

5 excellent visits with friends - a camp reunion, 4th of July with the Floyds, playing baseball with Thomas (and his folks), a walk in the woods (unrecorded!), and an Astros game. Good good times!

8 meals and such with family (other than Dad). That'd include 4 Moose Lodge meals with Dave and Loni (if you count steak night when Dad and I sold 52 steaks!); 1 40th birthday lunch with Aunt Mary, Uncle Charlie and the boys; a drive down to see my niece; dinner with Uncle Charlie, Aunt Patty and the kids; and a paddle fest afternoon with the Charlie crew. Oh, not included is the race event which started and finished at the Moose Lodge and was directed by Dave.

1 jump from an airplane

81 videos from new students, though there are 10 more who didn't get it to me

2 seasons of Cheers with Dad

5 radio events - 2 100 mile foot races, 2 mountain bike races, 1 parade

1 trip to MD/VA which involved 5 airports, 3 flights, 17 family members, 1 good friend and her hubby, and a lot of missing Slugger!

2 occasions to haul Special Olympic athlete and coach luggage

1 funeral and a second that I missed by only 24 hours. Relatives of friends. Death sucks.

1 scrapbook made of 40 new things, 1 party and a WHOLE LOT of stickers and such. I think 8 trips to craft stores. Hehe. I'd love to show you the book!

7 finished books and 2 half finished.

6 pounds lost by Slugs. He gave them to me :(

Okay, that's all I can think of. Except for the loads and loads of not quantifiable good times that Slugger and I had just hanging out with Dad and Tuck. We're happy to be home but we're both felling pretty darn lonely. Excited to see them in 4.5 months in TX!

It was an amazing trip with lots of adventure and memories. Thanks to all who journeyed with us, in person or virtually!! Now to get stuff done here in our last 1.5 weeks before school starts. It'll make 2.5 weeks at home since school got out!

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