Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Independence Day 2016

Since we could call this the 2nd annual 4th of July with Port and fam, I'd say it has become a tradition!! Off I went on Friday the 1st to see one of my favorite people, Sarah. I call her Port because her maiden name is Porter and somehow 20ish years ago, Port stuck! Sarah now has husband, Derrick and dogs Odin (Great Dane) and Toby (little white furry guy) and a lovely house in Fontana with a guest room that I adore ;)

Pretty much instantly, Port and I started chatting and catching up. Though we text at least once a week so it was really more just chatting and marveling at being in the same room again finally! Anyway, she looks me square in the eye and says, "How do you feel about Independence Day?" I sat staring back at her not quite sure how to answer that. I mean, I was there to spend the holiday with her, so obviously it didn't scare me or anything. At the blank look on my face, she quickly told me she meant the MOVIE! Oh, well, it was one of my favorites back in the day! This was good because we already had tickets to see the new one the next day :)

We had dinner with Derrick's cousin and his wife who were in the area for a wedding. Yummy Chinese food! When we got home, I suggested that we watch the original Independence Day movie to prepare for the next day. Also, we needed to watch SOMEthing because Port and I had a task...

Many months before (Christmas?) Port's aunt had given her a puzzle. A puzzle made out of a picture that she'd taken on their wine tasting trip back in October. Port had been working on the puzzle for months. I promised her that I would help her when I got there. She had texted me a picture before I got there so I could see how far she still had to go.

Now, that didn't seem so bad. Of course, I had no idea what the top part of the picture looked like...

We sat down to get to work. I stared at the puzzle. And the pieces. Just stared. For a good 10 minutes. About 5 minutes in to my staring, I looked at her and said, "Oh". I now understood why she wasn't done. I made her show me the box. Yeah, we were missing identical rows of identical grapes. The pieces were ALL some green, some gray, some black. Identical. Yeah.

So we worked. Finished the movie. Worked a little more. Went to bed. I didn't take a picture at that point, but we had done about a third of what was left. I swear I did very little but was apparently Port's motivation or inspiration or something because she was very successful.

Saturday we saw the new movie. It was okay. There was a glaring absence without mention, but if you ignore that, I thought it was pretty good. Action, aliens, romance. Happy ending for most. I recommend it. We had dinner with Port's cousins in Redlands after the movie. That was yummy. Then we went home to the puzzle. We watched Into the Woods, the stage version. This is Port's favorite play and sadly, I had never seen it. I enjoyed it very much. I really enjoyed how much Port enjoyed watching and singing along!! (that's not sarcasm, I really did like watching her smile and sing!)

Honestly, I can't remember if we finished the vineyard puzzle on Saturday night or Sunday night!! But we finished!! And we hooted and hollered and high fived!!! You know it was an intense, special puzzle because Port did NOT break it up and put it away. She left it out to show off :)

Sunday we spent preparing for Monday. We were hosting the family/friend 4th of July party!! That evening we watched the theatrical version of Into the Woods. I don't know which version I liked better. We also watched PCU, from 1994. I am now pretty sure that I never actually saw it in 1994. We also broke out a 300 piece puzzle with cats on it. We finished it in less than 45 minutes!! It was very therapeutic. Then we got a good nights sleep so we'd be fresh and perky for the big shindig.

Note to self: don't look on July 3 for decorations for July 4!!! I did my best with what we found but it was not nearly what I would've liked! I totally forgot to take pictures the entire day. We had sandwich makings, people brought sides, and it seemed that everyone had a grand time. I left mid afternoon so that I could get back to Big Bear before the crazies got crazy.

All in all, it was a wonderful, successful weekend! I'm already looking forward to next year!!!

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