Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 was a year

I entered 2022 excited because 22 is my lucky number. Not sure how lucky the year was. There were some definite lows but yet a couple of highs. 

On the last day of February, I had to call 911 for Dad. He was incoherent and couldn't really walk. It was VERY scary. Long medical story short, he has prostate cancer. He didn't think anything was "really wrong" so he didn't go to the doctor and now he sees one at least every 3 months, forever. The cancer is treatable but not curable so he'll be on fancy meds for the rest of his life, which will be a long long time. I took a leave of absence for the last quarter of the school year and Dad lived with me for about 2 months. All this time, Boo was with Kresse (God bless her!) and she was missed. This spurred Dad into getting well enough to move home. The unexpected benefit was that Boo got used to be around other dogs and now tolerates Slugger! It was a challenging several months but I am SO glad that I was close and able to be there for him. Dad turned 80 yesterday and is a little slower but good, considering. He comes over for dinner at least once a week and takes care of Slugger when needed. He still does search and rescue and radio and such. Moral of the story is go to the doctor!!

Read the previous blog post for the summer activities. They were pretty good! 

School started like normal and only a few teachers/students were out with Covid and it slowed down once we all got into the swing of things. I still mask every day. I finally succumbed to Covid the week before Christmas. Almost 3 years - not bad. I took on a major role as WASC Coordinator. This means I'm in charge of our accreditation which is up this year. I write a huge document and wow the folks who come to visit in April. Fingers crossed. 

In November, my Astros became champs again!! And today, New Year's Eve, I finally got my celebratory tattoo :) I'm ready for 2023. 

Goals accomplished: hiked Sugarloaf and ran a marathon; 300+ run miles, 100+ walk miles, 100+ hike miles. 50 books read. 

Several other goals were purposely not met like the whole-house generator and the fencing of the property - hopefully by this time next year, I'll own more of the property surrounding my home! I memorized a few Scripture verses, but not 10. And I don't know that I really memorized them but I know the gist and can recall it when I need it, which was kind of the point anyway. I think I'll keep that goal but make it more like 6. I'll be going to Houston for Opening Day and maybe NoTX in October for a wedding. We'll see. I also am planning Alaska again (this got derailed cuz of the Dad stuff). I may have to do the 50th state while I'm 50. Close enough.

In 2023, I'd like to get out more. I would like to build a few friendships into stronger relationships. I hope to get some landscaping things done at the front of the house. And run and hike and walk :)  

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Summer 2022

 On this, my last day of summer break (basically), I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on a very good summer (this will be long - I should have blogged more of this individually!). It was an excellent mix of getting stuff done and sitting around doing nothing. Productive yet relaxing. I'd like another week or two of course. But I think I'm ready.

Where I went:

Started with an EXCELLENT girls weekend with Karie in Palm Springs. We sat by the pool for endless hours, chatting, laughing, being still. It was glorious. We ate good food, drank, and laughed and laughed. It was exactly what I needed without knowing I needed it!

my legs in the swimming pool

Couple of weeks later, Slugger and I had a nice, short road trip to San Diego. He put his feet in the water and had lots of small walks. He was VERY good in the hotel. On the drive home we went the very long way and had several good walks and snacks. 

As has kind of become tradition, I spent the 4th of July weekend in Temecula with the Whites. As always, MUCH fun was had and memories were made. We had tea, discovered a great used book store, antiqued and laughed - that was day one. On Sunday Thomas and I had a breakfast outing and then he went with me to Walmart (such a trooper, my Godson!). Then Karie and Ben and I went to a speakeasy (yes!) so I could enjoy my first professional Bees Knees - SO good! That night we all went to the Lake Elsinore Storm game. They lost but the fireworks were nice. I went home the next day. SO MUCH FUN!!

My summer ends with another trip to San Diego tomorrow for an AVID conference. Not really vacation, but going to enjoy the swanky hotel!

What I did:

I gave myself a LONG to-do list and spent ALL summer slowly making my way through it. First, I dealt with the weeds and then I cleaned the house. Like really cleaned. Then it got fun :) I ordered 8 tons of gravel and ended up having to spend a LOT more time than I expected moving it to where I wanted it. But now I can park not in mud on the lower side of the house in the winter. I also am on the schedule to get the house painted and for the whole house generator to be installed. Oh, I stained the "new" buffet. I also re-adhered the cork in the she-cave after it all fell down. That wasn't planned! Plus a bunch of little things like shredding a bunch of old documents.

I FINALLY hiked up Sugarloaf Mountain! I was alone (saw one other person the whole trip) and hiked - poles, boots and all. It was difficult but I'd do it again!

I ran. And I ran. I FINALLY figured out the toe blister thing and so I was able to up my mileage quite quickly. Maybe too quickly at the end. BUT I accomplished an actual, literal bucket list item... I ran 26.2 miles - a marathon! From my house to Little Bear Springs, with Cougar Crest in the middle. (That was a stupid idea, btw). Ultras, here I come :)

I think that's about it. Slugger and I walked almost every day - he even got up to a 1.67 neighborhood outing! We hung out with Dad. We drove to the PO a lot. We watched a LOT of TV (Alias, Blossom, Bones). It was a VERY GOOD summer!!!