Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The second half of a 30 minute elliptical workout goes much faster than the first half.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

not gonna happen

Ever feel like the stars are against you? I finally decided to just get over my fear of being a substitute teacher and now can't seem to get a job! Two nights in a row, either nothing is available or someone steals it out from under me.

So, I'm TRYING to be responsible, make money, etc but it doesn't seem to be working. What are the stars trying to tell me?!? What better things am I supposed to be doing with my time?!?!


So I finally created this blog and now I can't come up with anything clever to say!! So I'll give you a TV review.

I have become addicted to Chuck. NBC has created a very cute, different crime-fighting show. I found the pilot at while bored and now I'm hooked. I have watched all of Season 1 on However, Season 2 came out on DVD last week and is not available anywhere for free!! Well, the last 4-5 episodes are, but not the first 18!

Solution: a 2 week free trial to the Blockbuster online rental thingy. Now I'm waiting for DVDs to arrive in the mail. I really hope I can watch it all before my 2 weeks is up. This is an excellent test for the Blockbuster program! I'll keep you posted.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The First

So for weeks, maybe months, I've been trying to come up with the perfect blog that would catch on and make me rich. I have decided that all the good ones are taken. So... this will be my way of sharing observations and thoughts. Somedays I will post several, other days none. That's just the way it is.