Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I finally created this blog and now I can't come up with anything clever to say!! So I'll give you a TV review.

I have become addicted to Chuck. NBC has created a very cute, different crime-fighting show. I found the pilot at Hulu.com while bored and now I'm hooked. I have watched all of Season 1 on thewb.com. However, Season 2 came out on DVD last week and is not available anywhere for free!! Well, the last 4-5 episodes are, but not the first 18!

Solution: a 2 week free trial to the Blockbuster online rental thingy. Now I'm waiting for DVDs to arrive in the mail. I really hope I can watch it all before my 2 weeks is up. This is an excellent test for the Blockbuster program! I'll keep you posted.

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