Thursday, April 29, 2010

it's happening!

so when i adopted the Vegan foodstyle, it was for many reasons, mostly health-related. once of these was the hope of better sleep and more energy. i decided that i would not force myself to exercise and hopefully at some point, i would have enough energy to WANT to exercise.

well... this morning, i woke up a couple hours earlier than i'd expected/planned and had a nice lazy morning hanging with my George. and then I thought... huh, i should exercise. SO I DID!!!! not for too long, just 20 minutes on the elliptical and a couple sit-ups - i AM getting over a horrendous cold afterall. but...

I DID IT!! cuz I WANTED TO!!!!!

now, will it happen again soon? who knows!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

lawn attitudes

okay, so if you know me at all, i consider mowing the lawn a chore. i always wanted a house cuz i thought it would be so great to plant flowers and maintain a yard. soon after buying my home, i realized that this was a fantasy.

however... 2 years and many battles with the lawn later, i have almost learned to love it. okay, enjoy it. no, tolerate. but i am beginning to see the time coming when i will like it!

AND when i'll plant flowers and remember to water them :) see, that's the key - the UPKEEP!! i'm going to start with George's own personal lawn - the patches right outside the back door. first step is weeds be gone!!

someday, it will be beautiful and i'll grow all my own produce :) that's the goal. small steps are good!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

detox woes - warning: unpleasant topics

if detox from meat and dairy is this bad, i can safely say i will never do drugs (not that i would), simply for the fact that detox would have to be way worse than this and this SUCKS!!

so, part of becoming vegan is the detox that the body goes through as all the "bad" stuff of yore gets kicked out of the body by the good stuff of today. this is a good thing, except for the fact that it sucks. i have read effects of skin break-outs, gas, other toilet issues, headaches, and mucus.

yes, so, mucus... i have decided that this horrible cold would not be so bad except that my body is taking this opportunity to dispel itself of some toxins. so while blowing and coughing up yucky cold crap, i am also getting detox crap. thus the AMAZING amounts of yuckiness coming out of my body. like, seriously, i could win awards with how much there is.

i also have the excess skin break-outs. that i can handle with a smile :) it's said to last a month or more... here's to hoping the mucus is almost OVER!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Teenager

I've actually said that George has teenage tendencies since the beginning, but today, she is officially a TEEN! yep, THIRTEEN!! i can't believe how the time has flown. and she's (mostly) just as young and spry as all those years ago. okay, so she's fatter. and i've noticed that she doesn't jump as high or as often as she used to. but she's still as cute as ever and the best best friend a girl could ever ask for.

this is when she was just months old. it was in our first apartment together. in Delaware. she would still eat cheez-its if i'd let her!

one of my absolute favorite pics of her. funny, the grass is that tall again today!

i took this one this morning. see, still as cute as ever!!

she's staring at me right now. guess she knows i'm bragging on her.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day 2010

In honor of Earth Day, I bought a tree. The goal is to plant it and keep it alive so that I am helping the environment. Just in case though, I bought it through because they plant a tree in Flathead National Forest for every tree purchased today. This way there will be at least one new living tree for a long time to come! Hopefully two :)

Maybe this tree, and my new foodstyle, will finally get me to become the gardener that I want to be!!

(in an aside, i think it's odd that i purchased a tree over the internet and it's being shipped to me...)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the summons

in the mail today was a jury duty summons. i have not received one of these since college. i remember that one well cuz i thought it was cool that i was "exempt" and they didn't realize that before they bothered to summon me.

my date was May 10. i say "was" cuz i've already logged on to defer it until school's out. i know i'm about to be requested to sub on the 11th and i wouldn't want to end up on a lengthy jury or something!! besides, as of this moment, i have nothing better to do this summer.

so, my main thought in this occurrence today is this: apparently owning a home and living in it for 2 years tells the county that you're really, truly a resident and should probably do your civic duty!! i know most people are out out by jury duty, but i am excited. it's a "first", an adventure, and it means that maybe i really have found my "home".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

seniors v. freshmen

I figured out the difference between freshmen and seniors today...

they both talk, but seniors are capable of saying something worth listening to.

oh, and there's more of a chance that a senior will actually do what you ask of them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rice Milk First Trial

First and Second Trial really. The first bowl of cereal, the milk was not cold enough. I don't even like cow milk warm.

Today's second bowl was quite yummy. The rice milk is a little sweet so I think I'll be okay with non-sweet cereal when I go fully onto no sugar.

As for the no sugar, I'm starting in small spurts. Not spurts. Steps. I bought Diet Pepsi. The caffeine will be the last to go!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Opening Day


And my entry is not about the Astros (who begin their game in moments)...

So, the Braves just beat up on the Cubs, 16-5, on Opening Day. That makes me quite happy. It's like all in back to normal in the baseball world :) AND a new phenom, Jason Heyward, who plays for the Braves got his first ML hit tonight, in his first ML at-bat - a homerun!!! AND this is extra special cuz he wears #22 :) Hmmm... i might have a new hero! except for the Braves uniform part.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Danielle Steel

I read every book Danielle Steel wrote, until about 5 years ago when I realized they were all the same. There is a definite pattern to each of them. It got boring and predictable.

Lately, I've bee reading a lot of non-fiction - health, memoirs, etc. Some very good stuff.

I felt the need to read something fiction and well, mindless. So I found a Danielle Steel book on my shelf that I'd gotten free somewhere and never read - "Coming Out".

Sure enough, it's mindless, predictable, and just really bad writing!! But yet it's sucked me in and I just have to know how it ends. Guess that's how she keeps selling books.

Movie Fix

I've been in quite a movie mood lately. There are many good ones out there that I have not seen seeing as how I never go to the movies!

It's very disappointing when looking forward to "finally" seeing one that I've wanted to see from the beginning and it's just not holding my attention :( I'm blaming it on the allergy meds and not the movie though. Just to be nice.