Wednesday, April 28, 2010

lawn attitudes

okay, so if you know me at all, i consider mowing the lawn a chore. i always wanted a house cuz i thought it would be so great to plant flowers and maintain a yard. soon after buying my home, i realized that this was a fantasy.

however... 2 years and many battles with the lawn later, i have almost learned to love it. okay, enjoy it. no, tolerate. but i am beginning to see the time coming when i will like it!

AND when i'll plant flowers and remember to water them :) see, that's the key - the UPKEEP!! i'm going to start with George's own personal lawn - the patches right outside the back door. first step is weeds be gone!!

someday, it will be beautiful and i'll grow all my own produce :) that's the goal. small steps are good!

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