Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Know what I wish? That I could do it all! There's a cool charity bike event in CO, simply buying myself something new to wear to a party this weekend, change how things run in certain organizations, keep all children and animals (really all God's creatures) from harm, not sweat, grow all my own produce...

see... what a list!! we can't do it all. so for today i'll pick something "small" and pray about the rest. but man, if wishes could become instant reality... i'd so own a (eco-friendly) plane!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Just Don't GET It!

I am sitting in a classroom where students are taking an algebra exam. They are allowed to use their notes. This seems to be the norm for all math classes on this campus (at least algebra and geometry). WHY?!

1. how do we know that they've mastered anything besides being able to interpret notes to new problems, which by the way are EXACTLY the same as the problems on the notes, except for a few changed #'s.

2. they are not allowed any notes when taking the TAKS (state test). we are giving them a crutch and then asking them to walk freely on a standardized test! that's not fair to them! no wonder their scores aren't what we'd hope!

my hope is that when i am teaching math, i can either make my own decisions regarding this issue or it's not the norm on the campus I'm at. argh!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

at least i'm trying

On my way to a sub job this afternoon, as I'm driving along eating my hummus and whole grain bread, thinking my car isn't as eco-friendly as it could be (though much better than others), I look over and see the guy next to me at the stop light. He's driving a big truck and smoking a cigarette. I sure hope all that I do to save the Earth is counter-balancing all he does to destroy it!! and, darn it, he was cute too!! figures.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

God's amazing

Just when I get to the point of screaming out loud (to God and George) "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE????" God answers!!! OR at least, I think it's an answer. Okay, let's say it's a "sign" that I'm heading the right direction and to be faithful and patient.

I subbed in an algebra class today and actually got to teach cuz the teacher knows I'm actually a teacher. I had SOOOO much fun!!! A couple kids at one point even said I should be a math teacher so I told them to go tell their principal that :) I will say 5th period made it a little less fun. Really 3 of the OBNOXIOUS students in 5th period. I wish I'd been able to help the others more without having to repeat myself 20 times to those three. But whatever, I take the day as a sign that I CAN be a math teacher, will ENJOY it, and it WILL happen. SOON?!?!?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

the things students DO

so, if you look back, i have a blog post about the things students say from the day when a 6th grade boy asked if he could take his pants off in the middle of class.

Friday, a different 6th grade boy didn't ask, he just DID! he's walking down the row of seats and one of the girls kinda squealed something at him. i look up and his pants are falling down. his back is to me, he turns around and i realize that his pants are UNDONE, therefore they are falling down. well, no, he's taking them off, while walking toward the shelf where his binder is. he did have shorts on, but HELLO!!! that's pretty much what i said to him  "why exactly do you think it's okay to take off your pants in class?" his only answer was "i have shorts on"...

oh, America, where will we be in 20 years?!?!