Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today's reflection was about angels. Even before Adam asked me if I look for angels in every day life, I was thinking of the various angels in my life. The ones who have brought me a message - how to love, how to grow up, how to grow.

Then I started thinking about my students. Are any of them angels trying to tell me a message from God? My first thought was that some are continuing my lessons in patience. I've decided that class is never out for me.

Anyway, then I thought... what if I'm someone's angel?! Do I have a message to be sharing? It's one to ponder!!!

(I'd ponder here now but I'm very sleepy.)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It Begins

Today is the first Sunday in Advent. A time of preparation for the coming of the Christ child in 4 weeks. I know that I should go to church, but I just don't want to! I have instead started a new Advent reading. The Journey by Adam Hamilton. It's actually short reflections - one for each day in Advent. There's apparently a whole book. Maybe I'll do that next year. Anyway, I just read the first one, and I have reflections of my own so thought I'd share. Can't guarantee I'll have reflections every day but when I do, I'll try to share. I miss writing.

We started this Journey with the genealogy in the book of Matthew. Adam pointed out that 5 women are mentioned which was kinda odd way back then. (Though, really, what's a genealogy without women - can't really do it without us, can they?!) These five women were prostitutes, peasants, basic nobodies...

Thought #1: I'm basically a nobody, in the big picture book of life. Yes, I know I'm important, etc. but really, I'm not famous, rich, "known". If Ruth and Tamar can be a part of the genealogy of JESUS, why can't I be SOMEbody too?!?! Not famous somebody, but somebody who makes a difference in the world, and such. Reaffirmed my call to teaching. Which leads me to thought #2.

Thought #2: I "lead" a group of "nobodies" everyday in the classroom. I try very hard to enrich their minds, make them valuable citizens of the world, encourage them to do better. I must continue!!! Again, reaffirms my belief that sitting in my classroom is the next (okay, in 20 years) President, the curer of cancer, the inventor of the time machine. It reminds me that EVERYbody is a SOMEbody, and it's partly my job to make sure THEY see that. Even the ones who sleep through class, throw paper airplanes, and have NO respect for me, others, or themselves.

So, with this encouragement in my heart and soul, I WILL go back to work tomorrow. And CHANGE LIVES!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11, 11:11pm

So since I'm up, I decided I might as well stay up and make that all important wish of all wishes. I missed 11:11 this morning. Giving a test? Yelling at a student? Who knows.

Anyway, since I'm wishing, what do I wish for? I'm not telling. Bug my train if thought did lead me to a conversation from earlier this evening about online dating.

Maybe I'm nuts, or live in a make-believe world, but I really do believe God has made my man and that man is preparing himself for me as I am for him and when God is ready, said man will appear in my life. And I don't think it'll be online. Call it a gut feeling. Or maybe I read too many romance novels.

Speaking if which, just finished mine. Girl got boy, and her long dreamed of romantic moment. I'll get mine too. When its time.

Why did I just write all this? To kill time until 11:11 of course!

May all your wishes come true, at all times :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011

A favorite

I know that teachers shouldn't have favorites, but we do. M was one of my first favorites. He would come visit me in the morning before school. This year he came to visit between almost every class. I had him in class last year and this year. He always made sure my water bottle was full (coulda been to go get water for himself but still). He liked to "tag" my whiteboard.

M has been talking to me for weeks about his family moving. I was in denial until today when he came to say goodbye.

I know we're not supposed to have favorites, but goodness I'm gonna miss that kid!!!