Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11, 11:11pm

So since I'm up, I decided I might as well stay up and make that all important wish of all wishes. I missed 11:11 this morning. Giving a test? Yelling at a student? Who knows.

Anyway, since I'm wishing, what do I wish for? I'm not telling. Bug my train if thought did lead me to a conversation from earlier this evening about online dating.

Maybe I'm nuts, or live in a make-believe world, but I really do believe God has made my man and that man is preparing himself for me as I am for him and when God is ready, said man will appear in my life. And I don't think it'll be online. Call it a gut feeling. Or maybe I read too many romance novels.

Speaking if which, just finished mine. Girl got boy, and her long dreamed of romantic moment. I'll get mine too. When its time.

Why did I just write all this? To kill time until 11:11 of course!

May all your wishes come true, at all times :-)

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