Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Evaluating 2013

It's 7pm on December 31. Facebook and Twitter are flush with remembrances and dreams. Here are my thoughts in the waning hours of 2013.

In 2013: I got a dog. I had knee surgery. I fell in love with the dog. I hiked to the top of North Dome, thus completing a childhood dream. I started teaching the "smart" kids. I suffered more knee pain, though I like to think it's getting better again. I became KF5YNW. I repainted my bedroom and bathroom. The dog and I went camping.

Huh. Doesn't seem like much for 365 days.

In 2014 I hope to: not have knee pain; change up the landscaping in at least the front yard; hike more; recommit to being vegan; hang out with the dog a lot; move my mom to Texas; lose a little weight; praise God more in public; serve God more; encourage students; transmit on the radio; put on a killer prom for my seniors; be happy.

Seems doable. Here we go!!


  1. Yes, I am just a month behind on reading your blog! I will help with landscaping your yard this summer if you want…it HAS to be more fun since it isn’t my yard!

  2. It's okay. I'm behind in looking to see if anyone's reading it! I might just take you up on your offer!
