Wednesday, December 31, 2014

40 4 40 #22 Bambi

This is the latest in a series of posts chronicling my attempt to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read the entire journey under the label 40 4 40.

I hesitate to call this a new thing because I didn't actually get to finish what I wanted. BUT I did something new, so there ya go.

For whatever reason, I did not watch all those childhood movies that kids watch as kids. Peter Pan, Bambi, etc. Perhaps my folks were trying to shelter me from sadness? Or scary stuff? I also had never seen all of The Wizard of Oz, or I'd blocked out the flying monkeys, until I was 25 or so.

And, so, today, I watched Bambi. For the first time, I am pretty sure, at almost 40 years old. Know what? I don't think it matters how old you are, you're gonna bawl like a baby!!

I had also intended to watch Where the Red Fern Grows and Old Yeller. However, my wonderful pooch likes to watch TV with me. I mean, he actually watches. And attacks, or tries to protect, or something, every time an animal of any kind comes on screen. Bambi was bad enough. I'd been hoping the animation would throw Slugger off his game. Nope. And so, the other two will just have to go back to the library.

But, alas, I thank my parents, or who/what ever kept me from watching all these movies as a kid. I like being happy. I know that sadness happens in the world - I watch the news (okay, I actually try not to). I don't have any need to seek out the bad. I will happily live out the next 40+ years having never watched the rest of "those" childhood movies.

I'm now rewatching Bow Meets World from the beginning. Because silly and happy always wins in my world :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

40 4 40 #21 Echolink

This is the latest in a series of blogs chronicling my journey toward turning 40 in March. To get myself "ready" I am trying 40 new things! You can read all the entries under the label 40 4 40.

I've decided that I love talking on the radio. The Ham Radio that is. And it's weird that this love came from my dad but yet I'm not able to talk to him unless I'm with him (or a whole lot closer to him). Yes, he and I talk often on the telephone but it's not the same thing!

There is a program that fixes this though, called Echolink! Using the internet, I can call in to the repeater in Big Bear. Or just listen to what's happening there, I guess. I started playing with it this past weekend thinking it'd be fun to surprise dad today, on his birthday, with a call on the radio!

My first lesson was that Echolink only operates on PCs. BUT there's a Mac program that basically lets you use the function of Echolink. I really don't get the technical stuff but that's okay! So, I downloaded Echoham and got myself validated as an actual Ham licensee. And it didn't work. :(

I tried several times, several ways and gave up. It's a pretty basic program so I figured my computer just didn't like it or something. Today, I told Dad of my intentions to surprise him, and he helped me figure out the issue. It didn't like being wireless. I connected the cable direct to the computer, and I was connected!!

Unfortunately, it wasn't a very good connection and Dad only heard a few of my words. But I could hear him just fine!! We didn't want to clutter the repeater - it's snowing there and roads are closing and such - so we went back to the telephone to say our goodbyes. Dad needed to deal with cold and snow anyway. His kind of birthday. Not mine!!

I think this is the last of my new things to involve ham radio. I foresee connecting when I want to listen for some reason - perhaps during an emergency and I want to know Dad's okay without tying up his phone - but I think I'll just wait until I get there in June to talk to Dad on the radio again! Oh, wait, March, when he's here for my birthday!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

40 4 40 #20 Glamourshots

This is the latest in a series of blogs chronicling my journey to 40 by trying 40 new things before I get there. I'm halfway there!! You can read all the posts in this series by using the label 40 4 40.

I really wasn't too sure about this new thing. I can't remember why it popped in to my head as an option. I pondered and pondered. Then I made an appointment and pondered some more. While driving to San Antonio, I mentioned it to Cecilia and she said she had done it and thought everyone should try it at least once. So, I kept my appointment! What, you ask, am I talking about? A photo shoot with Glamourcrafts!!

A nice lady named Ellie did my hair and make-up. Really, she just redid my hair more prettily. It's not like she made it big or anything. Thank goodness :) And she did my make-up very nicely. She explained that a lot of people overdo make-up for pictures thinking the cameras won't pick up subtlety. I thought she did my eyes pretty dark, but whatever. I liked it!!

Then Sarah took my pictures. I had three outfits with me. I actually changed them up last night from what I told them I was going to bring. They didn't mind :) I started with my new teal sweater and my dressy jeans and heels. Yup, heels. I figured I wasn't really walking anywhere so it wouldn't be detrimental to my knees.

From there, we went to a cute sundress and my cowboy boots. I have lost my hat so no hat in the pics. It's okay. This was the last minute addition and ended up being my favorite. I felt girly and pretty. I only bought 2 poses and both were in the dress. A full-length and a close up. The pictures take a couple weeks so you'll just have to come back here in late January!! Of course, I'll be breaking all kinds of rules and they'll be bad cuz it'll be a picture of the picture. Oh well. I'm cheap and wasn't going to pay HUNDREDS of dollars for the CD.

My last outfit was also fun but just didn't have the effect I wanted. Not that I really know what I wanted. Anyway, I wore my "new" Astros jersey and denim shorts. I was barefoot but wouldn't let her capture my feet :) I got a free 10x13 print for some reason (when I made my appt!?) and I got it of me in the jersey, lying on my tummy, with my hat hanging on my foot. Sounds terrible. It grew on me. It'll go in the office/baseball room. Maybe someday I'll have a mancave :)

Overall, it was a fun afternoon. I felt pretty and pampered. I guess that was the point. Everyone was very friendly and professional. But, man, those pictures are EXPENSIVE!! And, so, here's a post-glamourshot selfie. And one of me and Slugs after I got home, after the contacts came out.

UPDATE:  The pictures are in!!! Here are the 3 that I chose to pay money for :) If I were rich there were a couple other poses that I liked enough to buy. I just had a budget!! (Remember that these are pictures of the pictures)

8 wallets

the free 10x13 to hang in the office/sports room

2 5x7s - one for each parent?

Monday, December 22, 2014

40 4 40 #19 San Antonio

This is the latest in a series of blogs journaling my attempt to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

I have lived in Texas for 9.5 years but have never been to San Antonio. I went THROUGH it when I moved from CA to DE in 1997. I have no recollection of even realizing I was there though. Maybe it was dark?! So, I decided that a trip to San Antonio (SA) would be a fun new thing. I contacted a friend who moved to Waco a couple years ago to see if I could pick her up on my way. SO glad she went with me!! SHE actually knew SA and besides getting to reconnect with her, she knew where to go and what to do once we go there!!

Because I'm weird and adventurous (let's go with that) I chose to make this a one day trip. SA is a 4+ hour drive from my house. It's about the same to Houston where I would go for a baseball game and come straight back home. So no problem!! Another reason I was glad to pick up Cecilia in Waco is it broke up the trip. She was about an hour and 45 minutes from home. Then another 2.5 hours later we were in SA!! YAY!! Good conversation made that last part go very quickly!!

We started out at Market Square for lunch. I hadn't even thought to go there but it was fun and yummy, so thanks Cecilia!! We ate at Mi Tierra. It was festive and fun and quite delicious!!
the outdoor market square

waiting for our table at Mi Tierra
The atmosphere at our table

From Market Square we took the Trolley to The Alamo.

On the Trolley
Our Trolley

At the Alamo, no pictures are allowed inside the buildings. Cecilia grew up in Texas but had forgotten much of her 4th grade Texas history. I realized how much I never knew!! Also, how did I ever forget the date of the fall of the Alamo? It was 3/6/1836...

First glimpse

The well that they built 

Perhaps I shouldn't look happy? 

From the Alamo, we walked through the Mall, via the riverwalk, to the main section of Riverwalk that is pretty much the most famous part of SA, other than the Alamo. I was VERY concerned with how narrow it is, and non-guard-railed. How do more drunk people not fall in regularly?!?! I took A LOT of pictures. Here are a few from our initial walk.

See? Walkway, water. No buffer!!

We actually ate dinner under one of those umbrellas!
 We decided that the best way to see it all in a short amount of time was to take the boat cruise. SOOO glad we did!!! Saw some great sights, learned more about the Riverwalk, etc. I always thought it was made to make a shopping/eating area for tourists. That was an afterthought!! Here are pics from the ride...

Our tour guide Samantha

ducks everywhere!! 

Aztec Theater

It's not really flat. Just looks like it :)


A gift from Portugal. They're also into St. San Antonio.

Outside the mall in the middle of the river.

Tower of Americas (Hemisphere)

On the boat!
Honestly, I don't remember most of what Samantha told us but it was all fascinating :)

After the boat ride, we walked a little more, did some shopping, and then got a table at Casa Rio. According to Samantha, it was the first restaurant and started the Riverwalk trend. It was cold but it was quicker and more exciting so we ate ON the riverwalk. So imagine water, table, people walking to and fro, restaurant. Crazy!! There was actually a rail between the table and the water. While we ate our tortilla soup (we weren't really hungry after our large late lunch), it got dark enough to see the lights. The pics don't really do it justice, of course.

We knew we needed to head out so we went back to street level and spent about 5 minutes trying to decide how to get to the Trolley that'd get us back to the car. It was quite funny. I swear we walked in circles. And the button that you push to walk talked to you. Mostly, he angrily said "WAIT". Whatever! We knew we could get to the Alamo fairly easily and that's where we got off so it was bound to go back the other direction. Right?!

It did. Sort of. The driver suggested we go to the other side of the road though to save 20 minutes of driving around with him. But he wasn't positive that there was actually one in front of him. So we got back off and walked across the street. This gave us the opportunity to see the Christmas tree in front of the Alamo all lit up. And the Alamo at night.

The Trolley driver came back to get us (5 minutes later - he just turned around) and didn't charge us since he made us stand in the cold :) So nice!! The car was still there and we headed home. We were both exhausted but happy!!

Of course, on the way home we had to stop at a Texas institution - Buc-ees. I had only heard of this place. It's a VERY large gas station. MANY MANY pumps and a GIGANTIC store. It's mascot is a beaver. And it can be found on everything!! I bought a LARGE Dr. Pepper and a present for Slugger and made the long drive home. I was home before midnight so not too bad, considering all we'd accomplished!!

From the doorway inside the store...

Slugger loved his toy :)

And, yes, I want to go back to SA when I have a whole weekend!! We didn't go anywhere near the Missions. So, plenty still to do!!!

And, I'm almost halfway done!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

40 4 40 #18 Concert

This is the latest in a series of blogs chronicling my journey toward turning 40 in March. Before I get there, I am trying 40 new things. You can read about all of them through the label 40 4 40.

WOW!! What a night! I just got home from the best concert I have ever been to. I laughed. I cried. I sang. I remembered. I smiled a lot! Good, good music and vibes and fun!!

Several months ago, I saw an ad somewhere for a Christmas concert with Amy Grant and Michael W Smith. They are two Christian artists who I have been "jamming" to since high school, or before! I decided that seeing them in concert should be a new thing. The tickets weren't cheap but what the hay! I posted on FB to see if I could find someone to go with me. I did!! Five someones actually!! My good friends Lisa and her teenage daughter, Wendy and her teenage daughter, and Sheila jumped right on the opportunity. We immediately bought tickets to not lose out on the decent seats. WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!!

We have been talking off and on since then about how excited we all are!! I even took today off so I could sleep late, not have to hurry this afternoon, etc. I was so excited that I even went shopping today!! I commented to Sheila at one point that you'd think I never do anything fun; I was acting like this was my first ever outing! I bought a new sweater and some new make-up. Oh, and new earrings that kept falling out. Guess that's why they came with that little plastic thing to act as a back. Oops.

I went to pick up Sheila and we met the others at the train station in Fort Worth. The concert was at the big arena in Dallas. The train is the absolute best way to get there! We ate our subs on the train and had a merry time.

The show started with the Dallas Pops playing and Amy and Michael came on stage. I believe they began with It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. The full orchestra, plus a band (electric guitar, keyboardist, drummer, etc were on stage the entire time. Michael often also played a grand piano. Amy was in a gorgeous pale blue gown. It was very obvious that the two were good friends who admire each other and were having fun performing together. Never did it seem scripted or rehearsed. They were casual and funny and heartwarming.

One highlight was when Michael sat at the piano and asked us to sing along. It was the most awesome rendition of How Great Thou Art - Michael, Amy, and an arena full of strangers singing one of the greatest hymns. Yup. Special.

At one point Amy put on a guitar and sang Tenessee Christmas. Wonderful! She then told a story about how her dad hasn't known who she is for years (Alzheimers?) but was brought to her show Thursday night. His caretaker texted Amy to say that he knew who she was that night. She finished by singing a song called Heirlooms. We all cried!! Then she told a funny story about her daughter and husband. :) That's kinda how the whole night was - I was either laughing or crying!!

Near the end we had another singalong with several Christmas carols such as Silent Night and O Come All Ye Faithful. So cool - all those voices. Oh, right, so after an intermission, we came back to the addition of a 100 voice choir on stage. So add that to the entire arena singing. It was awesome!

They closed with Angels We Have Heard on High. A rocking, glorious, uplifting, spirited rendition like none other!!

Then... the encore. Oh my. I had teared up and even shed a tear throughout. But then... they sing, together, Friends are Friends Forever. YOU might not know that song, but I do. It was a kind of anthem for me in high school and college. It's about friends staying friends even when they have to leave each other. Amy and Michael singing it as a duet was magical to me. I was full on crying!! They then sang what I think is one of Amy's Christmas songs from one of her albums. It's about keeping the spirit of Christmas until next year, especially when you can't be together again until then. It's called 'Til the Season Comes Round Again. Glorious. I really, really didn't want it to end.

Michael even tweeted today about how magical last night was!!

Here are pictures of our outing. So glad I was able to share it with such good friends. Made the night even better!!

Waiting for a red light on the way to get Sheila.  (You should see this pic with Instagram filters!!)
The ladies waiting for the train!! 

Waiting for it to start.

The stage. No zoom.

Look how much fun they're having!!! (this and most of these are taken of the big screen)

(Fancy camera work they weren't near each other!!) 
Actual view of the stage, zoomed in.

It was obvious how much they respect and admire each other.

Just some of the massive choir.

Choir addition to stage.

train ride home. this was the best one of the 3 of us. push too many buttons and you get a weird postage stamp thing.