Wednesday, December 31, 2014

40 4 40 #22 Bambi

This is the latest in a series of posts chronicling my attempt to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read the entire journey under the label 40 4 40.

I hesitate to call this a new thing because I didn't actually get to finish what I wanted. BUT I did something new, so there ya go.

For whatever reason, I did not watch all those childhood movies that kids watch as kids. Peter Pan, Bambi, etc. Perhaps my folks were trying to shelter me from sadness? Or scary stuff? I also had never seen all of The Wizard of Oz, or I'd blocked out the flying monkeys, until I was 25 or so.

And, so, today, I watched Bambi. For the first time, I am pretty sure, at almost 40 years old. Know what? I don't think it matters how old you are, you're gonna bawl like a baby!!

I had also intended to watch Where the Red Fern Grows and Old Yeller. However, my wonderful pooch likes to watch TV with me. I mean, he actually watches. And attacks, or tries to protect, or something, every time an animal of any kind comes on screen. Bambi was bad enough. I'd been hoping the animation would throw Slugger off his game. Nope. And so, the other two will just have to go back to the library.

But, alas, I thank my parents, or who/what ever kept me from watching all these movies as a kid. I like being happy. I know that sadness happens in the world - I watch the news (okay, I actually try not to). I don't have any need to seek out the bad. I will happily live out the next 40+ years having never watched the rest of "those" childhood movies.

I'm now rewatching Bow Meets World from the beginning. Because silly and happy always wins in my world :)

1 comment:

  1. Is Bow Meets World like Boys Meets World?! =) I also never watched the “traditional” kid movies...and still have never seen Bambi!
