Thursday, January 1, 2015

Out with the 2014, In with the 2015!

I feel like I should usher in the new year with a blog post. It's the thing to do, right?! Sure, why not. Besides, it's been a while since I've written about anything but new things!

Let's see, 2014...

January-April can be summed up in one word - PROM. A four year journey of sponsoring the Class of 2014 ended with an amazing evening in Decatur, done in purple and resembling NYC. Then they graduated. I miss them! To compensate, I agreed to head up Prom every year, and I took on the sponsorship of the Class of 2017. The latter might not last.

Most of the summer was spent in California. Slugger met his new cousin Tuck and after a brief discovery period, they wrestled their way into each other's hearts. We both look forward to spending basically the entire summer 2015 in beautiful Big Bear, wrestling and radioing!

In September/October, we lost Ma's sister, Cheri. Although she and I never got along, I am sorry she is gone. However, we were found by her daughter, Cheryl, and she is delightful! We all hope to meet her in person in 2015, somewhere, somehow!

November brought injury to Slugger.  While chasing a goose, he tore a knee ligament and was ordered to "rest". Ha! We tried real hard to stay calm and grounded. Our walks consisted of the neighbor's lawn. He even had to be leashed in the back yard! He didn't understand but he resigned himself to the new way of life. He's still healing but we have slowly gone back to walking and playing. We look forward to 2015 with full recovery and getting to play ball and go hiking again!!

Most of the second half of 2014 has been consumed with my quest to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. I have 18 to go (really, 17.5). I have decided that this is definitely the way to celebrate a birthday that many bemoan. I CANT WAIT to be 40!!! Okay, really, I am excited to fly through the sky and have a big party with all my favorite people!! And if that means I'm 40, then so be it!!

Now, for 2015... besides birthday stuff and what I mentioned above...

My wishes: Health and happiness for all those I love. A renewed commitment and enactment to serving the Lord. Many, many miles with Slugger. Family time. Students who respect each other and themselves. World Peace.

I've been looking forward to (March) 2015 for a decade. All I can say is BRING IT ON!!!!

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