Saturday, January 31, 2015

40 4 40 #30 Cooking Class

 This is the latest in a series of posts chronicling my attempt to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read all the entries under the label 40 4 40.

I went back and forth about whether or not I should do this. Or right now anyway. I looked and looked but the best offerings were at Central Market (Whole Foods-esque but bigger and swankier) but every class cost about $60!! That's a lot to spend to make some food. But I decided I did really want to try it and I probably wouldn't spend the money just because. So yet another new thing spurred on by the challenge of this journey :)

The schedule is posted a couple months out. So when I was looking for a class in the beginning of January, I could see January and February's offering. February had a bunch of couple crap. Ew. So I perused the January classes a few times trying to decide what I'd like and what would be worth the money. I decided on Chiles Rellenos because it offered all the sides too. I do not like hot food so I was pretty sure I'd never make the Chiles again, but rice and beans and such are right up my alley!!

Turned into a very busy week and on top of it, I had a cold. But I went anyway!! And I am so glad I did!! What fun!!! Nettie Lopez was our chef and she was a hoot. I was sat at a table with 3 others. Two young ladies who seemed to be good friends, and a man. He was wearing a wedding ring but I decided not to ask where his wife was. He was very nice and actually knew most of what Nettie taught us. Except the egg white stuff. Which was the only part I DID know!!

We started by roasting our chiles. They were Poblano so fairly large. Central Market is known for their Hatch chiles but apparently they are much smaller. I was already learning stuff!! To roast the peppers one needs a flame. Yeah, I have electric and no grill. Technically you can broil them she said.
Our Chiles!

Chef Nettie showing us how to roast 'em!

We all got up and roasted out chiles. I liked the demonstration plus hands on flow of the class. Once the chiles were roasted, they went back in the bowl, covered with plastic wrap to "sweat" so it'd be easier to peel. Peel? I said!! Yup, learning all kinds of stuff!!

Then we learned how to make the rice. I believe this was my favorite part of the whole night. Partly cuz my table mates let me do the actual work on it! And partly cuz this is something I'd make again on my own! The trick to the rice is toasting the dry (white) rice and then adding it to the boiling broth mixture. then you LEAVE IT!!

Toasting rice and sampling the broth for the right amount of salt and such.
While the rice was cooking, we peeled and stuffed our chiles. The chef folks had made the filling before hand. This is quite the time consuming meal!!

Peeled and stuffed. I am not an expert...

Then came the tricky part. Okay, not really. I totally understood what was happening but others did not. I guess because I like to bake and have dealt with egg whites before. Anyway, you have to beat the egg whites to a soft peak, then add half as many yolks and beat just until mixed. And once that mixture starts to fall (or get kinda watery) you have to start over! I went last and go to make a fresh batch. Anyway, the stuffed chile gets rolled in flour and then covered in the egg before getting fried. There were lots of comments about the amount of oil. People just don't fry like they used to and that's not a bad thing!!

At this point we were done cooking!! The chefs had made the boracha (beer?) beans and churros. Oh, my tablemates made guacamole while I was finishing up my chiles. No biggie - THAT I can make!!

And then we ATE :)

our finished rice

churro and ice cream 
I didn't eat very much. I wanted leftovers, it was way too late for me, and I don't like spicy food. But I tried some of everything and it was all VERY YUMMY!!! I admit I ate the entire churro while it was hot. Not sure I've ever had a fresh churro before!!

I gave my chiles to a co-worker the next day at work and he said they were very well done. I ate the rest for dinner that next night. YUMMY!!!

Although taking more classes is cost prohibitive, I will keep an eye on the schedule in case there's ever anything that I really want to learn - pastries or something maybe. I had a GREAT time and would go all the time if it was more like $20!!!

Me and Chef Nettie :)

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