Friday, December 26, 2014

40 4 40 #20 Glamourshots

This is the latest in a series of blogs chronicling my journey to 40 by trying 40 new things before I get there. I'm halfway there!! You can read all the posts in this series by using the label 40 4 40.

I really wasn't too sure about this new thing. I can't remember why it popped in to my head as an option. I pondered and pondered. Then I made an appointment and pondered some more. While driving to San Antonio, I mentioned it to Cecilia and she said she had done it and thought everyone should try it at least once. So, I kept my appointment! What, you ask, am I talking about? A photo shoot with Glamourcrafts!!

A nice lady named Ellie did my hair and make-up. Really, she just redid my hair more prettily. It's not like she made it big or anything. Thank goodness :) And she did my make-up very nicely. She explained that a lot of people overdo make-up for pictures thinking the cameras won't pick up subtlety. I thought she did my eyes pretty dark, but whatever. I liked it!!

Then Sarah took my pictures. I had three outfits with me. I actually changed them up last night from what I told them I was going to bring. They didn't mind :) I started with my new teal sweater and my dressy jeans and heels. Yup, heels. I figured I wasn't really walking anywhere so it wouldn't be detrimental to my knees.

From there, we went to a cute sundress and my cowboy boots. I have lost my hat so no hat in the pics. It's okay. This was the last minute addition and ended up being my favorite. I felt girly and pretty. I only bought 2 poses and both were in the dress. A full-length and a close up. The pictures take a couple weeks so you'll just have to come back here in late January!! Of course, I'll be breaking all kinds of rules and they'll be bad cuz it'll be a picture of the picture. Oh well. I'm cheap and wasn't going to pay HUNDREDS of dollars for the CD.

My last outfit was also fun but just didn't have the effect I wanted. Not that I really know what I wanted. Anyway, I wore my "new" Astros jersey and denim shorts. I was barefoot but wouldn't let her capture my feet :) I got a free 10x13 print for some reason (when I made my appt!?) and I got it of me in the jersey, lying on my tummy, with my hat hanging on my foot. Sounds terrible. It grew on me. It'll go in the office/baseball room. Maybe someday I'll have a mancave :)

Overall, it was a fun afternoon. I felt pretty and pampered. I guess that was the point. Everyone was very friendly and professional. But, man, those pictures are EXPENSIVE!! And, so, here's a post-glamourshot selfie. And one of me and Slugs after I got home, after the contacts came out.

UPDATE:  The pictures are in!!! Here are the 3 that I chose to pay money for :) If I were rich there were a couple other poses that I liked enough to buy. I just had a budget!! (Remember that these are pictures of the pictures)

8 wallets

the free 10x13 to hang in the office/sports room

2 5x7s - one for each parent?

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