Saturday, May 9, 2015

A New Endeavor?

I have always wanted to run a marathon.  But I'm not a runner. REALLY not a runner! I don't even run to get places faster. I just walk very quickly. My natural walk is pretty fast anyway. Who needs to run?! But, then again, if I don't run, the marathon dream will never happen. I've even thought about how long it'd take to WALK a marathon. Or at least a half. Too long was my conclusion.

As you know, Slugger and I walk. Every day (almost), most days twice. We don't always go far, but we go. If we're lucky, it's a hike on trails somewhere. But usually, it's the streets in our neighborhood. Slugger and I both enjoy this time immensely. He likes to chase after trucks with trailers, motorcycles, bicycles, and joggers. When he tries to go with the jogger, I always tell him that we don't go that fast but we have just as much fun.

Yesterday, the absolute strangest thing happened. I RAN!! We crossed a busy street and jogged a little to beat a car. I kept jogging! I jogged a block and walked a block for several blocks. ON PURPOSE!!! And the whole time I wondered if I was logging extra steps, and marveled at what my heart rate must be :) Indeed, I got into the "cardio" zone according to fitbit, for the first time!! And it seemed to last longer than the amount of time I actually jogged. Interesting. My (surgery/arthritic/patella issue) knee hurt a little when I got home and a little today, but it's probably just shock!

Anyway, running isn't completely foreign to me. My dad was an ultra runner in my formative years. I often ran in with him to the finish line. You know, two hundred yards or so. I even ran track in junior high (late elementary?). In late junior high and early high school, I ran on trails, because I could. They were steps from my house! I enjoyed getting away, into the woods, listening to my Tiffany cassette on my walkman. I honestly don't remember if I enjoyed the actual act of running. I guess not too much since I didn't continue - seems like the end of my running might have coincided with getting a driver's license...

So... am I now a runner? No. Might I try it again? Yes! Do I think I'll ever run that marathon? It's a possibility!! It would give me a goal, that's for sure!!

Oh, also, an update of sorts from my last entry... I have not lost a pound, have not had the best will power (free teacher appreciation lunch, how could I say no?!), but I FEEL fitter!! I have energy, my brain is mostly working, and I'm sleeping. Life is good :)

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