Thursday, June 15, 2017

Farewell to Texas

On June 9, Dad and I loaded a U-Haul truck (with help from awesome teenagers Kerry and Carlton) and headed off for California. It was a long trip, made longer by UHaul, but that's not what this post is about. I want to say a proper goodbye to the state I called home for almost 12 years.

Here are some of the highs and lows:

* I drove to Houston and got to see "my boys" play in a playoff game at home - one of the most incredible experiences of my baseball loving life!

This is actually from the following trip to celebrate NLCS champs!

* Bought, and sold, a house - checked off the "I'm an adult" list, don't feel the need to do it again

* I found a career that I LOVE and seem to be made for - teaching high school math is the best thing ever!!


* I survived the hottest summer ever. Anywhere. Really, hottest summer on record anywhere ever. It was HOT for a LONG time.

* My sweet baby George knew Texas as her last mortal home. She lives on in my heart and in a pretty box which is currently on my "dresser". She LOVED going out into our backyard and rolling around in the grass or dirt. She'd look for insects, I guess, and do her adorable little pounce move. Her last summer was the hottest one from above. She spent most of her time looking out the front window from her little perch.

on her perch

* I brought home my gigantic lapdog, Slugger! We assume Slugger was born in Texas but he seems to like CA okay. We visited every summer and he was also reluctant to go home. Okay, not really. He'll go anywhere I go!!

* I made some amazing friends!!!!

teaching buddies!

teaching buddies!
prayer sisters!

girlfriends! (from church)

Megan (left) got me through 2nd grade; Mere (right) got me through TWU
The group who helped me celebrate turning 40!! 
church, game night, transplant holidays, oh so many adventures! 
Sheila - all around awesome!

There are so many more friends to add here but these are the ones with which I had fun pics that I could find!! Thank goodness for social media and texting to stay in touch!!!

After twelve years, the heat got me. And the flatness. Texas is gorgeous in its own way, but I need my mountains. Even if I won't be living on one (yet), I can see them!! It was time to come home. For good. When I told a friend here in CA last summer, that I was thinking about making this move, I was  asked what I'd miss. All I could come up with was the people. Texas is a friendly place. That's what drew me to it way back in 2001 when I first started talking about making the move from DC. Texas is friendly and laid-back. And huge. And hot. I will always hold the entire state, but especially particular places and people, close to my heart.

I did eventually come up with a few things I'd miss...
*the rain - but not the storms!
*the jets flying over (not the airplanes, the F16s and such!)
*AHS - not perfect but I learned a LOT about myself and being a teacher
*ice days - not the ice but the days off :)
*Whataburger (for my non-vegan cravings)

SO SO SO many memories of my time in Texas that I will cherish forever. Thank you to everyone who was a part of "when I was a Texan"!!

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