Saturday, April 15, 2017

Stockyards Easter 10k

Oh my. My first organized 10k event. Glad that's done! I really need to figure out how to not get so hot!! Moving to Big Bear will help :)

I'm really not a fan of organized races. I hate having to get there but then just stand around. And this one had the porta potties too far from the start. They were actually at the finish. But anyway.

The race started under the iconic Stockyards sign, went down the brick road and then made it's way to the Trinity Trails. I was tired. My calves were tight. That was new. Not sure if it was from standing around or what. They loosened up eventually but by then everything was tired. And hot.

This was an out and back race. There was a 5k as well. Just before I got to mile 2, I saw the first 5k turn around guy. No maybe it was mile 1. I don't remember now. But it seemed way too early. He was going very fast and made me feel slow. But, I also didn't resemble his physique in any way. So I just kept running :)

I got here:

And kept going!! I was between mile 2 and 3 when I saw the first 10k turn around guy. Again, I do not look like him and therefore did not let myself get beat up about it. He was tall, young and had 0% body fat.

I got to the 10k turn around and doused my head with cold water. Felt good! Didn't last long. Most of the run was in the sun with intermittent shade. Every once in a while the sun went behind a cloud but never for long. It was maybe 70 out but I felt like it was 100 at least. It looked pretty though.

The biggest excitement of the day happened at about 5.9 miles.

I should've taken another picture once I got up to it. That's a train. Stopped across the road. The road I was supposed to go run down to get to the finish line. Once I got there I realized that it was stopped at it's own flashing red light to allow another train (that I never did see) cross in front of it. There were about 10 of us eventually standing around waiting, wondering what to do. I'd been there about 7 minutes when several folks went around the front of the train (it was maybe .1 out of their way). Once they got in front of the train, another lady and I went under the train. I realize this was stupid. However, I knew it'd take me about 5 seconds. And I knew that train wasn't going anywhere cuz the arm thing was still down for him. Sure enough! For all I know that train is still there. This lady and I then ran all the way to the finish together! We agreed that if we'd been alone we never would've run that far without walking. So maybe there is something to be said for having a running partner!

The clock said 1:31 when we crossed. I was SURE it was much longer than that!! I had paused my watch at the train so technically my actual time was 1:23. A PR though nothing says that cuz of the stupid train incident. Oh well. I know!!

Here are the before and after pics.

Next on the bucket list is a half-marathon!! Aiming for the Big Bear Half in September. Big brother is race director, dad does communications. It'll be a family affair :)

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