Sunday, February 3, 2019

Just In: I LIKE SNOW!!!

If you know me at all, you probably know that I have always hated snow and cold and winter in general. I don't want to go out in it, on foot or by car. When I decided to move to BB, I made Dad promise he'd drive me around when it snowed and I had to get somewhere. One of the reasons that the online job seemed perfect - I would't HAVE to go out in it. It took me 25 years to move back to BB because I didn't want to deal with snow.

I don't really remember hating it in DE but I also only remember one or two snow storms. It was in DE that I learned what an ice storm is all about. But I also had a 4WD truck so I guess I just dealt with driving in it when I needed to. My memories of DC snow are getting a day or two off here and there and that people would just abandon their cars in the middle of the street. Every year they acted like it had never snowed before even though we generally got at least one decent storm each winter. And Texas snow wasn't really snow. The few times it was, we got lots of days off school so I didn't have to deal with it. Same with the ice. Lots and lots of ice days over the years!! In fact, eight years ago I was in the middle of a week off due to ice - I went nowhere!

Fast forward to 2019. I now live in BB and own a 4WD truck again. And snowshoes. I have appropriate clothing for the cold (though not like the -40 polar vortex the midwest just experienced). And guess what? I LIKE SNOW!!! I was actually bummed yesterday because it rained all day instead of snowing!! It did finally snow once it got cold enough. Just an inch or so though.

I took off on my snowshoes this morning to see how much the woods got. Maybe two inches as I got a little higher. I'm sure it was a lot more even higher because that rain would've been snow up there. Anyway, as you know, my most favorite place on earth is in the woods. Today, I mostly was on the established trail but most of the time I was the only tracks. It was AWESOME!!! I'd show you how beautiful it was but I left my phone at home on accident. But I was kinda glad that it was just me and God, roaming through the snowy woods, the sun trying to peak through the clouds and trees. Seriously just amazing.

We are supposed to get even more snow tonight and the next TWO days. Hopefully it's snow!! We might even get a snow day but I hope not. I have plans for the day we'd give up in May!! Besides, I can drive in it so might as well go to work!! I do already have plans to take Slugs with me tomorrow afternoon, snowshoeing in the woods :)

Moral of the story: people CAN change!!

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