Wednesday, March 17, 2010

School Advertisement

I'm reading "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. Really, I'm skimming it. I checked it out and renewed it twice already and it is now overdue. I am on page 57. I am only that far because I've been skimming for the last 20 minutes or so. I really did want to read it once I started, I just started too late.

I'm reading all about how Burger King started advertising in schools in Colorado in the mid-90's. I skimmed and read for several pages and it even brought up Channel One, which is watched in some local middle schools (that I know of!). It is a daily video with news segments and commercials geared toward kids. It's made by someone somewhere and offered nationally, apparently. I've seen a couple segments. The kids ignore it and do homework, which is actually a good thing.

ANYWAY... as I'm reading about these things, and the Top 40 radio that is played in cafeteria's and all those posters in hallways and such, I suddenly got irked. QUITE IRKED!

So, our schools can get money from advertisement about fast food, zit cream, shoes, who knows what else, but we can't pray? Schools can be as commercial as they care to be (sports team being sponsered even!) but they can't in anyway be religious. It's wrong. Just wrong. If a student has the freedom to read a poster advertising Coke over Pepsi, AND MAKE THEIR OWN DECISION, shouldn't they have the freedom to be informed and MAKE THEIR OWN DECISION about their spiritual life?!?!?!

So many questions (loudly) running through my head... how did we get here? who do we blame? how can we "fix" it? What is God's plan for ME in this capacity?!?!?

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