Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I've always wanted to be a runner. My dad was a runner. He still is, just slower and not as far. Actually he's really more of a cyclist these days. Anyway, I grew up going to foot races with dad. Ultramarathons mostly- any distance over 26.2 miles.

I did a little running in high school. I think it was an escape. I put on my walkman and went into the woods. I enjoyed it, though my memories are of the songs (Tiffany!!) and woods, not the physical feeling of running.

 For years, I haven't run. I don't like to run. I hike. I bike. Running isn't my thing. Of course, I haven't actually gone out for a run in years and years. I'm currently reading Eat & Run by Scott Jurek. Scott won the Western States 100 ultramarathon 7 years in a row. He's also vegan. It's a good book, told in a fun and funny narative about his becoming a runner, and the metamorphosis of his diet. It's also fun because I'm familiar with the most of the races he's talking about - I've been to the aid stations he refers to and such!! He's really making me want to be a runner. He even has some advice about the physical act of running. I think a lot of the training and food stuff could apply to cycling or hiking. But he makes me want to go for a run...

And so... I'm going for a run. Someday. Soon. (I'm waiting to talk to my doc about it - not just putting it off!!)


  1. I will run with you! I would love to get to a point someday that I can run 5 miles without much effort! Or, 2 miles without feeling like I am worn out!

  2. I'm hoping for a block!!! I'll keep you posted. After todays 3 mile bike ride, I may never move again. So sad.
