Friday, February 8, 2013

Serious CHANGE!

To keep a long thought process relatively short... I got a dog. I will never stop missing George. George is not being replaced. I truly believe George would approve of this change. I can say all this and I know it. But I'm still pretty emotional about it, but dog and I didn't sleep all that well last night so I'm blaming it on sleep deprivation!!

Anyway, dog came to me with the name Bernard. He is adorable, energetic, protective, smart, funny, and so far a really great dog. But the name really isn't doing it for me! While on our first real walk today (2 miles!!) I called him Slugger. It just kind of came out. And I LIKE it!! He's sort of the color of a baseball bat, and of course I love baseball so it fits me more. I've been calling him Slugger a bit (Bernard some too) and he seems okay with it. He comes to clapping better than to his name anyway so I'll just start clapping and saying Slugger :) According to the interwebs, it IS possible to change his name. This will be his 3rd name at least. Though no one knows his original name.


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