Sunday, April 20, 2014

He is Risen!

Happy Easter! Today, to celebrate and worship our Lord, Slugger and I stayed in our pajamas :) We had our own worship service and it was wonderful. I wanted to have it outside, but its wet :( First, we listened to our favorite Easter hymns. Well, really one wasn't just for Easter but it put us in the right mood. Then we read several Easter devotional type things, and even listened to an Easter sermon from a Saint (well, Saint's words read by a priest). Then we had a very nice prayer time.

Never once was I worried about what others would think of my off key singing or hallelujahs being exclaimed. I didn't have to worry about my skirt being wrinkled. I wasn't asked to be on a committee. I got to be with Slugger, who also seemed to enjoy the quiet time. He was a little puzzled by the singing, though. :)

I also had my own personal Good Friday service here at home. Same kind of plan as today's. It was very nice. It was valuable time with God.

I know that "Corporate worship" (people worshiping together, usually in a church) is important in the life of a Christian disciple. BUT isn't it also important for a person to simply worship?? I have found that going to church is something I do because I'm supposed to. It's a chore and I don't enjoy it. It means putting on nice clothes and make-up and being sociable when I just don't want to. Instead of worshipping God, I sit in the pew unfocused and unhappy. I keep church shopping thinking I'll find one that I actually want to go to. But really they're all the same! And so I just stay home.

So now I have a plan! If I decide not to go to a church on Sunday morning, or any other church type day, I am NOT going to feel guilty about it! Instead, I will have my own worship service in my own house.  I will worship my God my way and He and I will enjoy our time together. Cuz isn't that what it's all about in the end?!

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