Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thoughts on 5/7/14

I have lots of things running through my head today so I thought I'd share a few :) They run quite a gamut of subject matters!

1. I am almost of the impression that we DO need standardized state tests... I know, I'm nuts, but hear me out! I don't know that there is a better way to ensure that every teacher teaches what they're supposed to teach! I am currently teaching two subjects - one tested, one not (for the first time this year). In the tested subject we are very careful to make sure we know what could be on the test and make sure they know these things while also always keeping in mind what they'll need to know for future math classes. In my non-test subject, some teachers have decided to just skip an entire unit because they feel it's not important for other math classes, and they'd rather review for students to be prepared for day one next year. The problem is that if they haven't retained it through this year, they won't retain it over the summer!!! Or so few of them will, it will still have to be reviewed in week one next year. SO... point is: these teachers are not being held at all accountable to what they are supposed to be teaching according to state standards. And students are missing out. And for some reason it's really eating at me.

2. It's Teacher Appreciation Week. I got a BOGO burrito from Chipotle last night. Fruit and cupcakes from the principal today. Lunch from PTO tomorrow. Chipotle wins. They so don't have to do something that awesome! All in all, I say: Yay. I feel appreciated. (where's that sarcasm font when you need it?!)

3. I've been conducting monthly sessions for other teachers on ways to use the iPad in the classroom. In return, our principal has offered to buy us (there are 4 teachers who lead these) something techy for our classrooms... like $500 worth!! I can't decide!! What I really want may not happen but actually might cost him nothing but a cable!! I'm trying to come up with something I thought I'd never be able to have so didn't even dream of it...

4. I'm so done with Charter! Charges I wasn't expecting; headache getting cables installed; cables still not buried in my yard (and my neighbor's!!)... I'm using the internet right now though so I guess once it's all done, life will be good!!

5. I give Slugger a tick repellent once a month. It also supposedly repels mosquitos and other bugs. I found 1 tick two weeks ago and THREE this morning!! I think it's a bad tick season so perhaps the drugs just aren't strong enough and I am lucky there aren't more. I hope. I can't decide if I should call the vet or not. To ask about the meds - he's fine and dandy. Staring at me begging for my dinner as I type!

6. I can't think of anything else so now I'm just rambling :) I'm sure there's more!! OH! So I bought patio furniture last month with my mortgage payment that I didn't have to make. I know it wasn't very financially responsible but now I can stop dreaming of and shopping for patio furniture! Anyway, the chairs were together when I bought it so they went right outside. I admit it then took me a few weeks to get around to putting together the sofa. I'll blame the weather. And prom. Actually I think it was the day after prom I finally did it. BUT I was missing screws!!! I got it all together and to the part of securing the part you sit on, and I was SIX screws short!! There was an e-mail address though so I e-mailed. A week later I finally got a reply with lots of oriental looking translation markings that said they would send me more. I was thinking it'd take weeks coming from Asia! Nope, they came today from CA :) So my first thought was yay I can finish tomorrow (I took the day off - see #5 about Charter cables still needing to be buried). It's supposed to rain all day!!!

7. Speaking of it raining tomorrow, Slugs and I are hiking anyway!! As long as it's not a storm watch or something. The NWS prediction says it'll be afternoon before it's an actual storm here :)

8. This is now so long no one will ever read it!!


  1. I read it all! And yes, it was a lot of random thoughts!! =) I appreciate you Rebecca!

  2. Aw thanks! I appreciate you too :)
