Saturday, November 29, 2014

40 4 40 #16 Hang Christmas Lights

This is one in a series of posts chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read all of the entries through the label 40440.

I have been anticipating hanging Christmas lights since last Christmas!! Slugger and I drove around one evening last year to determine what style/color we liked the best. And then the day after Christmas, we bought a bunch of icicle lights (and a new bigger Christmas tree) :) When I decided to do this 40 new things thing, hanging Christmas lights was one of the first things on my list!! And I've been so excited to do it since!!

I patiently waited until after Thanksgiving to do any Christmas decorating, though I was SOO tempted to start early!! I have only started to develop Christmas spirit in the last few years so all this excitement has me even more excited :) In addition to the lights, I bought a Nativity this year which was supposed to come in the mail yesterday (it came this morning).

I woke up Friday morning, did a little shopping, and began the decorating process!! I had planned it all out so part of my shopping was buying gutter hanger clip things and a timer. I had actually put the tree up, though not decorated on Thanksgiving night.

I am so glad I had the clip things!! It was SOO much easier than I had thought it'd be. Over the garage they're attached to the shingles. When I rounded the corner to the gutters above the walkway, I hit a snag. My fancy new gutters have fancy screens over them to keep the leaves out. And the gutter clips out, I learned! But they easily attached to the eave under the gutter and it looks okay like that so yay! I was tempted to unscrew the screens, but seeing as how it's leaf season, I really didn't think that'd be a good idea.

Then I started on the A frame, high part of the front over the big windows. My 6' ladder only got me about 2/3 of the way up. Uh... the neighbor wasn't home. I got up what I could on both sides and let the middle dangle. I was attempting to make sure I could get the whole front done with one strand because that's all I had left from my purchase last year. It looked very redneck to me. I meant to take a picture but I forgot. Turns out I also hung them backwards so the plug was on the wrong side of the house. Oops.

The only "issue" with the lights right now is that they don't look very icicle-y yet. They were all bound very tightly in the packaging and haven't quite loosened up or "fallen" yet. They're better than they were yesterday so I'm hopeful!

My neighbor finally came out today but he didn't have his ladders here - they're at his land in East Texas. So I hit up my good friend Lisa who had already offered her 8' ladder. This evening, her husband Eugene came over with their extension ladder and held it for me while I climbed up. The older I get the more I don't like heights. But I did it!! I'm not sure I would've felt as safe without Eugene holding the ladder.

My next snag came in the fact that I only have one green outdoor extension cord. Bright orange just wasn't gonna work for me. I had a brainstorm though - other lights!! So, now the whole walkway and door frame are lit with the little white lights, being used as extension cords :) Not sure its safe to have them lying on the ground in the leaves, but maybe it'll make me stay on top of those pesky leaves that never go away!!!

But, now they're done!!! So pretty :) The candy canes aren't new. I really want a reindeer or something in the yard. So that'll be this year's after Christmas sale purchase!! I mean, I have to compete with my brother's amazing display every year!!

Enjoy the pretty pictures. My favorite is the one where you can see in the front door where Slugger is waiting for me.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

40 4 40 #15 Feed the Community

This is one in a series of blogs telling the story of my quest to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read all of the entries using the label 40 4 40.

It's been a busy day!! After walking my first 5k this morning, I came home, started making rolls (they rose while I was gone this time), and took a shower. I also laid in the grass in the backyard with Slugger.

Then, I drove over to Thompson Chapel UMC. Technically, this is not my church. But, this church and my church are in the process of possibly merging. My church is dying and their church is growing out of their building. It's really a win-win except for the incredible differences in our congregations!!

TCUMC is not in a very good area of Fort Worth. They have a community that needs serving. So today, they served a thanksgiving meal to their community, and I helped. I have never done such a thing before and really didn't feel like leaving the house again, but I did it anyway. Admittedly, partly because it'd be a new thing!

I had told the coordinator that I wouldn't be there until midway through the meal, but that I'd be happy to stay and clean up. They started serving at 11am and I got there about 12:30pm. They planned to serve until 2pm. I started out by relieving some literal servers, dishing out the corn casserole (it looked like corn mush but I didn't call it that out loud!) and macaroni & cheese. They were already almost out of desserts - no pie left!

I didn't count how many people I served. Which is okay, because some of them were actually helpers that I just didn't know, since most of the workers were from TCUMC. By about 1:15pm there were only two of us still serving and they were starting to clean up the table area. We served a handful more while we also continued to clean up and "downsize" as the main kitchen lady (probably should have asked her name!) called it. Everyone was gone by 2pm except a couple ladies and a couple men. I am pretty sure those ladies had their own way of doing stuff - you know those church lady types :) so I thanked them and left.

Overall it wasn't all that exciting. Exciting doesn't seem like the right word. I wasn't there for very long and besides stacking chairs, I don't feel like I actually DID anything!! When we merge, I think the plan is to keep their church building, so I hope we'll get the chance again next year. Or Christmas?? I'll have to ask!!

The good news is that it was a positive experience and I hope to do it again. My church hosts a weekly meal of hot dogs for the neighborhood. It is on my list to go. One of these days...

Tomorrow I do #16!!!

40 4 40 #14 5k

This is the next in a series of posts about my attempt to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read all of them using the label 40 4 40.

This is just the first post of today. There will be at least one more. I might also post later about all the things I'm thankful for. We'll see! Right now, I am grateful that I figured out a way to look forward to turning 40 instead of wishing it wasn't happening like I have heard from too many others. I WILL be Forty and Fabulous :)

I woke up dark and early on Thanksgiving Day, not to put a turkey in the oven, but to walk my first 5k! This has been on my to-do list for a very long time. It just was never the right time, I was injured and/or out of shape, etc. I have a friend who walks them all the time so I hoped to join her on one. But I was anxious to get it done, so I chose Thanksgiving when she wasn't able to join me. BUT, I will definitely do more of them so the next one can be with her :)

There are a LOT of 5k runs on Thanksgiving. DFW alone had like 20 Turkey Trot options. I chose the Grub Run for many reasons. First, it was cheap to enter ($5!) so if I changed my mind it wasn't a big deal. Second, it was at Texas Motor Speedway - ON the track!! Third, it was for a good cause. Fourth, it seemed pretty low key and said right in the description that walking was okay. I signed up for one last March that only gave you an hour to finish which was way too much pressure cuz I DON'T RUN!!

In addition to the $5 we were to take canned goods. The whole thing benefited the Tarrant Area Food Bank. Awesome cause, and canned goods are easy. Their goal was 15,000 pounds!! I saw a lot of cans, so hopefully!!

I got there about 45 minutes before start time to get my shirt (an additional $10) and bib number. I then headed out toward the startline to take pictures of the speedway. See below. There were lots of people, though I'm sure fewer than at other bigger events. Many people were dressed in holiday hats and such. There was a plethora of tutus. If you didn't know, they're the new "in" thing for dressing up silly. There was even a full turkey. I saw a couple chef's hats but didn't "get" it until I walked out and saw the chef holding a big knife in one hand, and the hand of a (lady dressed as a) turkey in the other. Hehe.

I ended up not wearing the shirt. It wasn't comfortable over my hoodie.

The actual start line for the cars!!

Me at the start. 

They started us with the checkered flag!! Kinda cool!

It says 49.09 or so. I actually crossed the line and then went back to take this. But I figure that's about right since I took time to take the checkered flag pic after the clock started.

I didn't feel like waiting for my own picture with him. I was done and wanted to go home!

In his left hand is a very large (fake) knife. Hehe.
I definitely want to do more 5k walks! Although there were dogs there, I know Slugger would not be able to join me. There were too many kids, and people in general. And other dogs. I don't think he'd actually enjoy it, cuz I'd have to be way too controlling of him. So he can just help me train :) And recover - he's currently sitting next to me helping me warm up!

Now, to start the rolls, take a shower, and move on to #15!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

40 4 40 #13 Pay Off Loan

This is one in a series of blogs chronicling my journey to 40, by trying 40 new things before I get there.

I know it's silly to call this a new thing, but since allowing it to be one kinda spurred me on...

I just paid off one of my student loans!!! It was the small one. A fifth of the original one that includes my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. But still!! I am proud of myself and have a sense of satisfaction I have never understood before!! I have figured out that if I really try, and get the state payback thing (have to wait until I have taught for 5 years - end of this school year), I can get the big one done in about 3.5 years.

The idea of being broke for 3.5 more years is depressing, but the idea of having no debt (besides house and car, perhaps) in 3.5 years is exhilarating!!!

Here, look, proof :)

Seriously am tearing up. Wow. PAID IN FULL!!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

40 4 40 #12 Creme Brûlée

This is a new post in a series of entries about my endeavor to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read about them under the label 40 4 40. 

I decided a new recipe, or really, a new dish would be a good thing to try on my road to #40. I posted to Facebook, of course, looking for ideas. Creme Brûlée was the suggestion that 1) I thought I could handle making 2) sounded like a fun challenge 3) involved buying new kitchen items and 4) I wouldn't mind eating. Except for all the animal product in it...

After searching the internet, I decided to go with Martha Stewart's recipe. They're all pretty much alike - egg yolks, cream, sugar, vanilla. I can't remember why hers won. I've made stuff from her recipes before with success, I guess.

Then I started thinking about how much my body doesn't like dairy. It makes my skin even drier than on a normal day. Winter is even worse. I just couldn't bring myself to put that much dairy in my body. I had been planning to make these over Thanksgiving, and therefore, likely would've eaten all of them myself.

So I compromised with a dairy-free alternative. I have been eating eggs so I wasn't worried about that part. It uses coconut milk instead of cream but the rest is basically the same. I got it here. I don't particularly like coconut milk because I don't like coconut, and so far almost every time I have used it, the end result still had a hint of coconut. Perhaps it has been my imagination.

I decided to make it today because I felt the need to do something and it seemed like a better idea than cleaning house. And my hope is to share with coworkers tomorrow so I don't end up eating all of it myself. Honestly, I'm not even sure I like creme brûlée!!

Some process shots... cuz all the food bloggers do it :)


Five Egg Yolks

Whisked egg yolks and sugar

Coconut milk and vanilla bean innerds
I attempted to strain the coconut milk and vanilla but the chunks of vanilla went right through!

ready for the oven in their water bath! I didn't have a non-glass baking dish big enough for all 4 ramekins.

Out of the oven. Cooling time!

All torched up!!
Well, I've now eaten my very own homemade creme brûlée. I am not impressed with myself! I'm going to blame the coconut milk :) I also am not sure what led to its soupy-ness. Coulda been the coconut milk (too much?), doing something wrong in the preparation, not cooking long enough, or not cooling long enough. I'm letting the other three chill longer before I torch them. I tried both the  refined and the raw sugars on mine so it was a little sugar heavy on top! I liked the reaction of the raw stuff better. I tried both cuz I swear I read someone say that the less coarse the better.  

It tasted okay. A little coconutty but probably only cuz I expected it. I won't tell that part to the coworkers until after they taste it. I imagine that I would really like a well made, full dairy version. I might even try it eventually. Maybe Christmas break!! Oh, and the torch part was quite fun :)

I'm quite excited for Thanksgiving as I get to try at least three more new things!! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Hobby

It seems like several of the "new things" so far have ended with "don't wanna do that again". However, one of them, in a way, has become my new favorite thing to do with my time - puzzles!!

I know that this is my new obsession because of my thought process in the last few weeks. See, I wanted to knit a baby blanket for a friend who is due on Thanksgiving. I enjoy knitting enough. I haven't done it in a while though. It's like riding a bike - I picked up the needles and had rows and rows in no time. I know the pattern by heart that I have made many baby blankets from.

In a trip to Walmart during this time, I considered buying a new puzzle but decided I had to finish the blanket first. Yesterday, I was at Target and found a puzzle that I really wanted. So I bought it. I then spent all of yesterday knitting feverishly to get the blanket done. I woke up this morning and actually got out of bed at a reasonable hour to start knitting. But only so that I could start the puzzle, not because I wanted to knit.

I decided that I would knit until noon. And that would be a big enough blanket. I just wanted to get to the puzzle!!! How sad. The blanket is now done and wrapped and not nearly long enough to make it a normal looking blanket but it should still keep the kid warm (gender unknown) and make the mother gush :)

The puzzle has a border and I've sifted through the pieces at least trice. Happiness.

UPDATES: 1. This puzzle is hard. 2. The blanket is the only handmade gift the mother has received. Wow. Glad I made it!! No baby yet.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

40 4 40 #11 Puzzle

This is the latest in a series of blogs about my adventure in trying 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read the entire series under the label 40 4 40.

I have always enjoyed a good puzzle. This is likely why I also like geometry. Over the years I have puzzled rather sporadically. George wasn't exactly the best helper. It took me about 7 years to put together one puzzle because I took off years at a time. I've gotten back into the puzzle thing though. This is largely due to my good friend Sarah who puzzles all the time. I have several other friends who also are avid puzzlers. I've figured out a way to do it so that Slugger doesn't hinder the process and I can do it while watching tv and such.

Sarah recommended that for one of my "new things", I try a 2000 piece puzzle. When I got home from CA, I finished the 10 year puzzle (really more like 7 but 10 sounds good). I tried a few 500 piecers to make sure I enjoyed the process. I did! I then went out and bought my first 2000. That was early September.

It was HARD. I swear most of the pieces looked exactly alike! I did the easy stuff, then it seemed like I did about a piece a week for awhile. Then, it just started flowing. I got quite a bit done last weekend and then worked on it during the week to keep up the positive flow. I knew I'd be able to finish this weekend which spurred me on. And I did!

I should point out that I assemble puzzles on a bulletin board. This puzzle was too big so I did it in pieces. Top left, boat and sunrise(set?), bottom from left to right, then up the right of the tree (oh I did the tree separate at some point in there), then all the holes I'd given up on because seriously all the pieces looked the same!! I had loose pieces on a smaller bulletin board, in both halves of the box and for a long time also in plastic bowls. Also, there was one piece that was a deer's head. You can't see the deer in the picture - he's over on the shore on the far left. I had not noticed the deer in the picture on the box but, man, did I notice those eyes staring at me from inside the box!!

This new thing may have been hard, but I'd do it again. If I found a puzzle that was cheap or I liked the picture. But for now, I think I'll try a 1000 again.