Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Hobby

It seems like several of the "new things" so far have ended with "don't wanna do that again". However, one of them, in a way, has become my new favorite thing to do with my time - puzzles!!

I know that this is my new obsession because of my thought process in the last few weeks. See, I wanted to knit a baby blanket for a friend who is due on Thanksgiving. I enjoy knitting enough. I haven't done it in a while though. It's like riding a bike - I picked up the needles and had rows and rows in no time. I know the pattern by heart that I have made many baby blankets from.

In a trip to Walmart during this time, I considered buying a new puzzle but decided I had to finish the blanket first. Yesterday, I was at Target and found a puzzle that I really wanted. So I bought it. I then spent all of yesterday knitting feverishly to get the blanket done. I woke up this morning and actually got out of bed at a reasonable hour to start knitting. But only so that I could start the puzzle, not because I wanted to knit.

I decided that I would knit until noon. And that would be a big enough blanket. I just wanted to get to the puzzle!!! How sad. The blanket is now done and wrapped and not nearly long enough to make it a normal looking blanket but it should still keep the kid warm (gender unknown) and make the mother gush :)

The puzzle has a border and I've sifted through the pieces at least trice. Happiness.

UPDATES: 1. This puzzle is hard. 2. The blanket is the only handmade gift the mother has received. Wow. Glad I made it!! No baby yet.

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