Sunday, April 19, 2015

Whoa! Too long!!

I can't believe it's been over a month since I've blogged!! Seeing as how I wrote pretty regularly since July, that seems like forever. However, if you look at the history, it's not all that strange!!

Since I turned 40, I've been busy. Mostly, recovering from the excitement, and then making prom happen. Prom was last night. It was a HUGE success. Kids actually stayed and danced until it was over and we turned the lights off and made the DJ stop playing music! Last year, they were all gone by about 30-45 minutes before official end time!

The only other notable occurrence was my attempt to get a picture of Slugger in the middle of a field of bluebonnets. Why? Well, we're in Texas! It is a spring thing here. Parents put their kid in a field of bluebonnets (Texas' state flower) and take a bunch of adorable pictures! Bluebonnets pop up everywhere and anywhere it seems so often these pictures are actually on the side of the highway or a random vacant field owned by who knows whom!

We went for a nice hike last weekend. Two and a half miles! I think Slugger's glucosamine is helping his knee!! Or maybe just finally enough time. I haven't seen him do any limping or owie hopping in a couple weeks. YAY!! So, we went out to the Nature Center and I decided to see if we could further. We started on a loop and actually made it all the way!! I was fully prepared to turn around and keep it short.

While there, we found a few bluebonnets :)

There just weren't enough bluebonnets!! So on our  next neighborhood walk, we stopped at the batch by the church up the street. Better. It would probably help, if he'd sit on command...

Love this one!

My new favorite Slugger picture :)

I'm sure we'll find more and I'll keep trying. Why not?! It's fun!! And I'll try to write more. Promise!

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