Thursday, March 12, 2015

40 4 40 Reflections from a 40 year old

I spent over eight months doing new things, counting them, and writing about them. It actually seems like an odd endeavor in hindsight. However, it was far from odd, or easy, or simple.

When asked throughout the journey what I'd done, or what was my favorite, or something, I never had the same answer twice. Even now, if asked, I don't think I could tell you all 40 and certainly not in order! But that doesn't mean any of them weren't worth doing.

I don't think any one really stands out as the coolest or best or most interesting/exciting. I did things that other people did when they were 5 or 16. I did things that people in Texas have been doing their whole lives. I did things that were basically "normal" to me and things that were not. Some things fell into place, others I sought out. There were a few things that I'd always wanted to do and this was my excuse.

Overall, the word that keeps coming to mind is "monumental". It's not like this challenge changed my life drastically. But it did make me see how much we skip or avoid because we can. I'm a lazy girl and these activities made me get off the couch. One friend even commented that they were making me get out mid-week! Yup. I guess you could say they brought me out of my comfort zone and made me more well-balanced. Or something like that.

One of the funnest parts of this journey has been the support from family and friends. I got lots of suggestions on new things to try and many offers to try with me. I tried to incorporate as many friends as possible and ended up getting to know several friends even better along the way!

As part of the "party favor" at my big birthday bash, I challenged my guests to try something new and even gave them 5 of my new things to get them started. One has already invited me to join in on HER new thing :) I hope that everyone will be inspired to try new things and see what's out there in the world!

Would I do it again? YES!!! Will I do 50 new things in the next decade? Probably. I have done several new things already since #40. I keep having to remind myself that I will do new things, I just don't have to count them :)

For those who haven't been reading or who have also forgotten what's on the list, this is the list I kept...

40 4 40 New Things

1. Talk on the Ham radio
2. Paddle Board
3. Build a fence
4. Moonshine
5. Get a celebrity tweet response
6. Sushi
7. Blood moon
8. HS ftbl coach
9. Read Bones book
10. Paint a pumpkin
11. 2000 piece puzzle
12. Make Crème Brule
13. Pay off a student loan
14. Walk a 5k
15. Serve a holiday meal to less fortunate
16. Hang Christmas Lights
17. Race Communications in Texas
18. Amy Grant concert
19. San Antonio
20. glamorshots
21. Try Echolink
22. Watch Bambi
23. Read (& watch) Romeo & Juliet
24. Winstar
25. Farmer’s Branch Rose Garden walk (Cleburne State Park)
26. minor league hockey (on the glass)
27. Kimbell Art Museum
28. Hamfest
29. Spiral Diner
30. Cooking class
31. police ride along
32. Rodeo
33. Shoot a gun
34. Mammogram
35. SNL
36. Buy (& use) a Groupon
37. Lose 30 pounds
38. Spray tan
39. Piano Bar
40. Skydive/Tiara

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