Monday, March 9, 2015

40 4 40 #40 The One that Wasn't

This is the LAST in a series of posts chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turned 40. Wow. #40. Didn't think I'd get here. Thanks for following along!

On my 30th birthday, while parasailing, I decided that on my 40th birthday, I would skydive! This entire 40 new thing challenge was leading up to #40 which was to be skydiving. As we got closer and weather was bad, I was faithful that the big day would bring beautiful weather. And it did!! However, the 2 weeks of precipitation left the runway a muddy, wet mess. I probably COULD have jumped late afternoon or Sunday but I want to enjoy it and not have to run off to a party or whatever so I chose to not skydive ON my 40th birthday. Instead I am now working on plans to jump when I am in CA this summer. It WILL happen!!

But since I needed a 40th thing on Saturday, I decided to call #40 "Princess for a Day"! I had already bought myself a pretty tiara to wear at the party that night but I put it on and wore it most of the day :) Out and about, to school (to show Christy around), to Starbucks, etc. WHY NOT?!??!?!

In addition, I threw myself a birthday bash!! There were about 35 people who came out to my church fellowship hall to help me celebrate. They even brought presents!! They played games, worked on puzzles, made bookmarks, took selfies and ate snacks and CAKE :) They all said they had fun. I have heard from folks who didn't make it and they said they heard it was fun, so I guess it was good!!

Dad and big brother Dave trying out the "Selfie Station"

The cake!
The cake after Leslie worked her wonders :)
The birthday princesses :) Mary turned 82!! 

My entourage :)
Cutting the cake :) It was beautiful vegan yumminess!!

The group who helped me celebrate! Love every one of them!!

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