Thursday, March 5, 2015

40 4 40 #38 spray tan

This is the latest in a series of posts chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 day after tomorrow!!!!  You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

I have laid out in the sun. I have lain (?) in a tanning bed. All when I was much younger. Now I get my color by accident when I am hiking or mowing or such. I no longer really care that I am pasty white. I guess this is a perk of getting older - not caring about this sort of thing!

But the concept of a spray tan has intrigued me since Ross did his so very wrongly on Friends. So I thought this would be a good time to try it - as a new thing. I almost did it over Christmas break in case I ended up looking like Ross. However, it's not exactly cheap so I decided to wait until my big day so I could show it off.

So this afternoon I had the nice young lady at the tan store airbrush a tan on me. I got a deal on it and this eliminated the need to count and turn which messed up Ross.

Eight hours later I don't know that I'm any darker but its super cold and I'm unwilling to undress except my face and hands!  I did tell her not dark - just a healthy glow :)

I guess I'll see tomorrow!!!

Sorry no before and after pics. Blame Mother Nature!!!

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