Saturday, September 10, 2016

FINALLY "In This Life" LIVE!!!

First , let me apologize to readers for not blogging more in the last month! I did in fact get home from CA and started back to school. Life has been busy!!

Collin Raye is my all time favorite artist ever. His song Somebody Else's Moon is what made me fall in love with country music. But somehow I've never seen him in concert! A couple years ago, he was going to be here in DFW somewhere but it just didn't work out for me to go.

August 2015, I saw that he'd be in Arlington on a Saturday night in May 2016. I immediately bought tickets!! I splurged a little (still only $30!) and got front row of the balcony - my favorite place to sit. I bought 2 tickets. Why not? It was months away and one never knows!! I figured I'd find someone to join!! I did :) In early Spring, I invited my good friend Sheila to join me. We were both SO incredibly excited!!

The Friday before comes around and I called the venue to ask about my "will call" tickets. THE SHOW WAS CANCELLED!! WHAT?!?! I cried. Seriously. It had been cancelled in November because the ticket selling company went out of business. I didn't get the email. I suspect it actually went to junk and I deleted it, but the effect was the same! To make a long story short, I bought tickets to the rescheduled event and the credit card company gave me back my money.

Well, the actual show was last night!! I was excited but hesitant because I had been disappointed once! But, Collin tweeted about it, I got an email about it from the venue, and I was pretty sure this was the real deal!! Not sure I truly believed it until I saw this:

I had never been here but Sheila had, as a kid, when it was a movie theater. She said it hadn't changed much! It was a GREAT venue for a concert. Totally felt intimate and like we were just having a private conversation and show with Collin!!

Not zoomed.

Zoomed. And this was really how close it seemed we were.
We could see their facial expressions and such!!

I knew he wouldn't play ALL my favorites. We didn't have all day, after all!! But this is the one of my top three that he did play. I captured most of it which blogger wouldn't let me upload. So here's a clip of the chorus. I videoed so I wouldn't sing and cry. I was still tearing up. I teared up on several. There's just something about hearing these ballads live!! 

After the show. 

I tweeted this when I got home. Collin liked it  :) 

Sheila and I had PeiWei before the show. Yummy!! What a fun, fantastic evening!! Collin TOTALLY lived up to my expectations, which were pretty high after waiting 24 years to see him live!!


In our seats!! (I still suck at selfies!)

TOTALLY would see Collin again over and over!! EXCELLENT performer, and of course, I love his music. And now I'm completely in love with Arlington Music Hall. Not a bad seat in the house! Next month is Shenandoah for $15 (cheap seats) and in November is Sawyer Brown for $20!!!

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