Sunday, September 25, 2016

Running Lessons #217 (+/-)

My goal for today was 6 miles. I "only" went 5.5. My route was that long and now I know! Here are some of today's (and last week's lessons/observations).

- Running in the rain is fun. And not so fun. I don't like wet, soggy shoes. The rest of me didn't mind being wet. I even had a lady offer me a ride! I was only a mile or so in. If she'd asked a few miles later, I might've thought about it!

- A long run the day after my first gym workout in 3 years was probably not the best idea. The legs felt today more than they have in the past. But I suppose that's actually a good thing.

- There are a LOT of hills in my neighborhood!! I sort of got myself lost today and ended with a nice long one. I knew where I was but the street names weren't what I thought they should be, ya know!? Next time, I'm thinking I'll go backwards and START with the large hills :) There were hills at the other end but a little more gradual. Fitbit says I did 59 floors today!!

- I like my new watch!! I can set intervals - I started with 3/1 minutes to run/walk - and it just keeps cycling through. I did this to start and ended up pushing myself a bit harder than I might have otherwise. My plan is to, for now, use this on my shorter runs, and then use the lap memory on the longer runs, so I don't push as hard the whole time (I gave up in the intervals after about a mile) and can see how I'm doing on my own. The lap timer part of the watch basically lets me track my splits so after the run I can analyze. Today, I was all over the place on my splits of run/walk :) We'll see what happens!

- From last week - I really don't like out and back runs. It's too easy to turn around when I get tired!! But it was nice being on the bike path for most of it and seeing so many other people out there.

That's it. I think. I am REALLY enjoying running!! Who'd have ever thought??!?!?!?

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