Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sunday Morning Run Observations

I ran over 5 miles today! My farthest yet!! I felt good. It wasn't quite as hot but still not exactly cold. I'd say I probably ran about 4 of the miles overall. Not bad! Here are my observations:

- some churches have better attendance than others
- I'm not the only one out and about burning calories
- I like having Nuun with me, but not in a leaking water bottle
- running is actually kinda fun
- my new shorts are still working right after I washed them (you never know with spandex)
- always make sure strava is actually recording
- I like running more with Slugger cuz he gives me an excuse to slow down, stop and smell the flowers, etc.
- my new (4th try) hydration pack is great
- dogs don't bark as aggressively, if at all, when I don't have Slugger with me

Seems like there was more...

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