Thursday, July 13, 2017

Easterly Wanderings 2017

Last week I made the trip East to hang out with Ma for a few days. As always, I also fit in a few friends, some other family, and DC sightseeing. I was gone 7 days :)

It seems to have become my tradition to see how much I can fit in to a few hours in our nation's capital. There is SO much to see and I've seen almost all of it. Of course, exhibits change within the museums so there's always something new. This year the new African American Museum was on my list. However, it's hard to get in to. One has to get up very early and reserve a ticket, with an assigned time. That was just more than I could handle on my last day of the trip! BUT the friends I stayed with on Sunday night mentioned the American Indian museum. I didn't know such a thing existed! And so that's where I began.

I rode the metro into town and got to the museum a little after 11am. I wandered around an exhibit about the various Indian nations while waiting for the "intro" movie to begin. Honestly, I wasn't impressed with the movie. It was interesting but I don't think it was very organized. Yeah, that makes no sense so just trust me, you don't have to watch the movie to enjoy the museum! The museum had some interesting artifacts and if I weren't tired (now and at the time), I'd be able to remember some of the things I read about! I took these two pictures though...

I tried to find something in the gift shop with the bear. Unsuccessfully.

Next stop was next door to the Air and Space Museum. Because, well, it's my favorite and I always stop there! Last summer I read a book on the Wright Brothers (actually, it might've been 2 years ago) and a book about Charles Lindbergh so I figured even if there wasn't anything new, things might mean more to me. But there WAS a new/temporary exhibit. And it was PHENOMENAL. Not sure what it had to do with Air and Space, but whatever. It was called Artist Soldiers and displayed artwork done by soldiers during and after World War 1. The art was not only well done but also had extra oomph because it was so real. I'm not saying that well. Every piece told a story, many not happy, and the emotions came across so alarmingly well. I took only one picture. I actually went back to this painting after going through the whole exhibit. And I just realized it's used as the backdrop for the webpage (click link above). I stared at it for some time. So moving.

Then I went to visit the Wright exhibit.
Me and the boys
Me and the plane
One of only 5 original Wright bicycles in existence.
Then I gave homage to Lindbergh.

It's hard to pick out the plane since the wall is the same color!
After I left A&S, I had a snack (hummus and pretzels) and decided what to do next. I knew I'd been to the Archives but not in a very long time so that's where I headed. It's across the mall and up a couple blocks. Not too bad. On the way, I got to see these...

I bought that visor for $5! A bargain!! And my hair was driving me nuts!! Also, I love the selfie feature on my new phone. I feel like I can actually take a halfway decent selfie!! These were all taken in the same spot. I zoomed into the buildings :)

Then I went to the Archives. Yay for Declaration and Constitution and Magna Carta. I also saw the Emancipation Proclamation. Fun! I left there for the Navy Memorial. On my short walk, I noticed how varied and pretty the architecture is in DC.
The Archives

announcing the memorial
I was interested in the Navy Memorial because I didn't know it existed and also because Dad is a Navy Veteran! The memorial is basically an outdoor plaza. I know I've driven by in the past and never noticed it! Then there was also a museum. Again, I was too tired (and hot) to remember anything I saw. I'm really not very good at the sight-seeing thing, I guess!
the lone sailor (statue in middle of plaza/memorial)

plaques of all the various naval contributions to the world

a close-up of one of the plaques 
my first ever attempt at a panorama picture - a quote about sailors
By this point I was exhausted so I headed back to the metro and my rental car. I had plans to hang out with my friend Becky for dinner. She was happy to welcome me a little earlier than planned. I was back to my car by 4pm. So, yet another whirlwind 5 hour DC visit! So fun!!

PS the formatting is all wonky when I look at the actual post. I promise it's all pretty on my edit view. I don't know enough to fix it. Sorry.

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