Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Turkey Travel

On my drive from BWI to see Ma in Roanoke (275 miles), I saw many things.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Dodge Charger V6 AWD rental car. It was nice and zippy around all the idiots on the road.

I learned that my phone's GPS (google maps) will take me around an accident, if it's faster.

I saw an interesting van. It was like a Sprinter van but I want to say it was a Mercedes version? Anyway, it had signs on it about veganism. One encouraged readers to watch specific movies (it listed them based on their meaning - save animals, health, etc). Another was a comic. I thought the whole thing was interesting. I'm not sure that someone is going to go vegan because of a van they passed on the interstate, but maybe!! Or maybe they'd at least remember one of the movies and watch it when they get home. Who knows!

Then I saw the truck that has stuck with me. It was a hauler of turkeys. At first, when all I saw was feathers, I thought chickens, but they were turkeys. Here's a picture I found online that is very similar to what I saw.

Image result for turkey transport

A truck load of them. I cried. The poor things! One of them had his beak sticking out the wire like he was trying to catch his breath. The image will forever be embedded in my brain.

I don't write about this trying to make converts to veganism. Just sharing what I observed because it was very meaningful to me.

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