Tuesday, July 25, 2017

My First Trail Run!

Okay, technically, I have run on trails before. Sometimes on purpose! When I was a teenager, I would run anywhere that I could. For like a year, I was a runner. I so don't count that!! And then there are those hikes that I ended up running because Slugs was dragging me or it was easier, or something!

One of the myriad reasons for moving back to/near Big Bear was so I could explore trail running. It's kind of a part of who I am, you know!

So this morning I set out on my real, true first trail run! As readers should know, I've worked my way up to a 10k on roads. Of course, right now, I'm running about 2-3 miles, if I'm lucky. Partly time, partly route. Mostly me ;)

Dad and I had discussed where to go. I was thinking flat; he suggested somewhat hilly since that's what trails are. We had been hiking several times on a trail with the puppies that I decided was just right - a little of everything. To get there, you drive to the Lutheran Church parking lot, and the trailhead is at the end opposite the church building. It then heads up slightly on decent trail, but there are some rocky spots. I started out running but soon found that I was walking almost as much as I ran and I couldn't run as long as usual before walking. Let's blame the uphill-ness!

I chose to fork left up the very rocky, steep portion. I did this because it was an excellent excuse to walk for a ways :) Once I got to the top, I turned right onto some pretty nice trail. I ran and felt like this was my first actual real running of the outing. I ran for about 3 minutes, probably a third of a mile until I came to a road. There I turned around. I more or less new my plan, but I had thought it was further to that road. Oh well.

I ran almost all the way back to the fork that'd take me back down (if I'd forked right on the way up). I ran most of the way down, walking only in tricky (rocky) sections.

When I say "run", by the way, think lope/jog. I was NOT fast!!

All in all, it was a good outing. Only 1.4 miles though. Next time I'd like to go longer. Maybe a different trail. It seemed like a lot of effort (including having to drive over there) for not very much time or distance. But I will definitely try again!

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