Thursday, November 23, 2017

Big Bear Turkey Trot 2017

(I've decided to split up the last week into several posts. Cuz a lot happened in just a few days!! YAY!!)

For some reason, I decided that running in the Big Bear Turkey Trot was a great idea. It was!! Might not have seemed so in the middle, but in hindsight, I'm so glad I participated!

The course was a 3-mile loop. I opted to do two laps to make 6 miles. It was about time to run a 10k, in my training, so this worked.  The website said it was a flat course. I forgot that flat is a relevant term in Big Bear. It was just a tad hillier than my normal routes here in the desert. I am happy to say I finished both laps and had fun.

The absolute BEST part was that Dad went with me. Not on the run part, but to the event. I had my own cheering squad and "crew"! Which was nice. It was quite warm. Especially for Big Bear on Thanksgiving. I was told that last year (or maybe year before) it was 18*. Yay for 65*!! But it meant I'd be hot. So I asked Dad to have my bandana wet for me when I came in after the first lap. He did and I was so glad!

And THEN, when I came in to the finish, he was there waiting for me AND RAN IN TO THE FINISH WITH ME!!! Life came full circle and I teared up a bit. It was AWESOME! Of course, I was dead last and they'd just started the awards ceremony so no one was paying attention, let alone taking a picture of it. Oh well, I'm sure it won't be the last time :)

Instead, here's a pic of me running in with him many, many years ago!

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